The Master El Morya´s message on the Law of Gender expands the concept :
"I come once again to deliver the final message. Today I will speak on the Law of Gender. In so doing, I shall impart the wisdom of the ages, for in the understanding of this law comes the union with the Divine. I am delighted to begin, for there is so much to say. Therefore, I, El Morya, shall commence with this discourse" :
The Two Principles
"The Universe is made up of two active principles, yin and yang. Some call these the positive and negative aspects of life, while others refer to these as the polarization of the subparts. Regardless of what term is used, these two principles are found in every subparticle in the Universe, and comprise the foundation for creation itself.
The Law of Gender is the expression of yin and yang, otherwise termed the feminine and masculine. The law states that these two principles reside within all things, and it is through these principles that humanity is able to create.
A Creative Force
The Law of Gender is the creative force that runs from the inner into the outer world. It is the force of the Gods and the power of the giants. It creates life, even that which is born into the physical manifest world of "things", for both of the principles (yin / yang) must be present to build and to manifest in the third-dimensional reality, as well.
The receptive side of humanity´s nature is often called the negative side. This is further termed the feminine or the yin. This is the force that creates, spins ideas, and weaves the threads to make the tapestry into a work of art.
The positive or directive side of humanity´s nature is called the masculine or yang. This force is directed toward the creative force of the feminine principle. It is the originator of ideas and actions. The masculine energy is attracted to the feminine principle, and when they unite, they form a union that assures that the creative process will be realized.
Natural Attraction
These two forces are present in everything that exists. These forces are the great mystery of the Universe. The natural attraction of the positive and the negative energies are everywhere, for there is consciousness even in the atom. Remember that it has been stated earlier that God is thought. Therefore, the chi or prana that exists everywhere has intelligence. This intelligence, which has the power to create, is demonstrated in the Law of Gender.
It is important to understand this law if one wishes to advance, because mastery requires the person to command everything in the physical world. This means that individuals will be guided and tested until they are expert at manifestation and creation.
Manifestation and Creation
Of the two, creation appears to be the easiest, but in reality it is not. To truly create in the physical world, individuals must balance the yin and yang within to a point of stability. This means that they must have mastered how to receive dreams and visions and also how to turn them into reality, by creating in the physical world. When individuals are able to create and implement ideas, they position themselves in the field of Oneness. Very few souls ever achieve this kind of command over nature or themselves. This truth reveals another reason why so few ever become Masters.
When the Yin and Yang are balanced perfectly within the soul, the individual intuitively knows how and when to act appropriately in all situations. The balance of the positive and negative or masculine and feminine principles within brings the person to a point of androgyny, the state of mental balance that aligns the individual with the Higher Self."
Part Two follows....
This article is from "The Light Shall Set You Free".
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