Since the Law of Rhythm is inevitable, we can adapt in ways by using our knowledge. We can plan new ventures at the times when things are moving to a positive side and we can remain positive to lessen or eliminate the effects of the negative.
El Morya continues his transmission on this law :
Transmuting Energy
"Masters know that all is energy and that this precious life force is given to each to manage and use wisely for manifesting God´s plan on Earth. Since energy can neither be created nor be destroyed, it must be transmuted. The Law of Rhythm teaches a way in which to transmute energy and mange the extreme rhythms in life.
The key to transmuting the effects of the Law of Rhythm is through the strength of the will. By applying one´s will to manage reactions towards events in life, the individual actually can learn to detach emotionally from all experiences. Will power can be used to prevent the individual from getting too excited when events occur that serve only to steal the energy, under the guise of enthusiasm. When highs are controlled, the swing of the pendulum will not be so extreme. Therefore, for the polarized event that will come to the individual will be of a lesser negative quality, and will be easier to accept.
The Middle Path
To be successful at rising above the Law of Rhythm and detaching emotionally, the Initiate must learn to walk the middle of the path at all times. This is the road to mastery. Few have been able to accomplish this in the past, however, which is why there are so few who have ascended from the Earth plane.
Ticket To The Stars
The time is come for more to make this journey and move into their Light Bodies to sit at the right hand of the Father/Mother Creator. Those who master the Law of Rhythm will surely be among those who will have seats reserved for this gathering. This law seperates the Masters and the Initiates, the leaders from the followers. It is the turning point toward Spirit and the step away from the material world of the Third Dimension. Learn it well, Dear Children of the Command, for to understand it grants you your ticket to the stars.
Adonai, Oh Sisters and Brothers of the path. In the name and radiance of the Most High, I AM El Morya."
Brief Summary
There are many rhythms in our lives that we cannot escape. We can overcome the effects of negative rhythms by remaining positive and transmuting the effects of negative rhythms or cycles.
# The Universe moves in cyclical fashion, with energy moving one way and then another. This rhythm is found in all things and is known as the Law of Rhythm.
# Individuals experience mood shifts and mental imbalance as the negative cycle or rhythm is experienced.
# One can overcome the Law by mastering your mental and emotional states at all times.
# The individual overcomes or transmutes negative cycles by walking the center of the road or remaining calm and centered.
# It is our will power which allows us to master our mental and emotional states and to remain centered.
This article is from "The Light Shall Set You Free".
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