Thursday, 13 June 2013


While everything vibrates and moves, and has two poles or opposites, everything vibrates at or responds to a certain rhythm.

The beloved Master and Teacher El Morya describes here the Law of Rhythm :

"On behalf of the Light within each person who reads this message, I greet you from the heart of Sananda.  It is I, El Morya, here to transmit the message on the Law of Rhythm."


"The Universe moves in a cyclicial fashion, with energy flowing one way and then the other.  This movement is defined as the rhythm  of the Universe, and this rhythm is found in all things.  It is called the Law of Rhythm.

The principles underlying this law are defined as the movements of the in-breath and the out-breath of God.  Life moves in cycles and is constantly renewing itself, first from the highs and then from the lows, next from within and then from without.  These rhythms connect the two extremes revealed in the Law of Polarity (see earlier article).  These rhythmic motions are what constitute the heartbeat and the pulse of life itself.

Order of Renewal

The Law of Rhythm basically states that all things move in a cycliical fashion, like the pendulum swinging first to the right and then to the left.  The tides flow in and the tides flow out;  the sun rises and the sun sets.  They rhythms constitute an order of renewal in the Universe that can be either disruptive or pleasant, depending upon how one wishes to perceive these rhythms.

Like the physical plane, the mental and spiritual planes also have rhythms.   Thus, individuals witness mood shifts and states of mental imbalance.  These periods constitute some of the most difficult times that people experience, for the extremes drain individuals of precious energy and serve to lessen the mastery they command over their own mental and emotional bodies.

The Pendulum Swings

For every high there shall be a low.  This is the Law of Rhythm.  This is the only law the individual cannot learn to control.  The only way in which one can command mastery over it is through mastering one´s own emotional and mental states at all times.  Doing so allows one to rise above this law.

Those who thoroughly enjoy life and are filled with excitement must also experience the extreme lows, for as the pendulum swings from the right and back to the left, the opposite event or experience must be brought to them.  Once the individual tires of the lows, the soul is open to learn new ways to govern specific behaviour patterns.  This begins the process which leads to the lessening of the extreme depressions that intrude on one´s life.  When the Initiate commands this state of mind and demonstrates the he or she is ready to receive instruction on another, "better", way to experience life, he or she then is introduced to the Law of Rhythm.

Escaping the Effects

The way in which one escapes from the effects of this law is to rise above it.  That means that the only escape is to control the mental and emotional bodies at all times and to govern the extreme mood shifts that interfere with one´s path.  The individual learns to walk the center of the road, never getting too excited or allowing negative things to penetrate his or her consciousness."

Part Two follows...

This article is from "The Light Shall Set You Free".

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