Did you know that your thoughts are either helping the world to enlightenment or are holding back the progress of Humanity??
We cannot too strongly emphasize the power of thought. You think that thought is something private -- that no-one can read human thoughts, but truly there is no covering to thought. It is heard, it is seen, and moreover it often has a dynamic power, as you have yet to learn. Thoughts can create good health and thoughts can heal, but thoughts can introduce pain and disease, and can disrupt and destroy the bodily, mental and human soul-life.
Science is only on the outermost fringe of comprehension of the power of thought. Thoughts can do anything in the world. Thoughts of anger, fear and hate form the root of all suffering and of wars. Thoughts can also bring forth beauty and harmony, and brotherhood, and all else that men and women long for. We know that by seeing only good, by creating good, by positive thoughts, we can help to bring about that which is desirable and good.
As you progress on your path it will be clearly demonstrated to you that what you think you become; the vibrations set up by your thoughts are making an impression on the higher ether. You register something on that higher ether, and thereby attract to yourself corresponding waves or forces, which again, when they return (if you still pursue your path of wise thinking, or unselfish service to others) will create certain conditions in your life.
The law, working in the human mind and soul, creates conditions of life and brings to individuals (if they are working in the right way) these things for which they pray and hope. But it is not only a matter of thinking what you want. That is only part of the picture. The real truth is that you wish to work with God to create harmony, beauty and healthfulness, holiness and happiness, not only for yourself, but for all human kind. It is this motive of creative love which gives power and life to your thoughts and prayers.
We want you to realize that your thoughts are drawn by magnetic attraction towards other thought-streams, either positive or negative.
All your positive thoughts -- by this we mean uplifting, constructive thoughts -- by the law of attraction join great streams of thought which are good, which are of the White Light. Negative, unkind or cruel thoughts are in their turn used to swell the great streams of darkness. Oh, how much unconscious cruelty there is!! Thoughtlessness can cause much suffering, and is therefore a form of cruelty. On the other hand your thoughtfulness and kindness, whatever form it takes, is a contribution to the great stream of Light upon which humanity depends for its very existence.
Every time a destructive thought comes into your mind, dismiss it at once; because it is with the accumulation of destructive thoughts that the mental body of human kind as a whole is being fed with ideas which create destructive weapons and evil ways of destroying life.
We want to show you this clear picture; on the one side, see the creative power used for good; while on the otherside, there is the array of dark, destructive thoughts which finds entry into the minds of strong intellects to create methods of destruction, as well as stimulating the destructive human passions and emotions. What we in spirit are all working for is to bring about harmony and balance in human life, and you too can discipline yourselves to think and create forms of goodness, beauty and harmony.
The power of thought can indeed work miracles, but this will itself bring up questions in your mind. You will have to remember that humanity is evolving on a spiral and its evolution proceeds in cycles. Men and women have to learn to use their occult power -- their God-power -- with the Christ love in their hearts. Unti they have learnt to do this they have to suffer any pain which wrong usage of the God-power will cause. The Masters we have often talked about have learnt to use this power only in love and in service to their companions, or to humanity, and this is what has to be learnt by men and women in the course of their slow spiritual evolution.
What we have to give you is a message about your opportunity to use your own thought-power to help humanity instead of to hurt it: in order to help yourself instead of to hurt yourself. All people have the power to think constructive God-thoughts, not only at certain times but as a natural habit. Always see the best in everything and everybody. Realize that whatever an other soul is doing, your attitude and your thoughts must be tolerant, kind and good.
(Article has excerpts from the book "The Light Bringer". )