Tuesday, 10 August 2021


Remember that the sole purpose of your life is to grow first of all in self-consciousness -- that is, consciousness of yourself as an individual....
After gaining individualised consciousness you must then expand your consciousness to take in those around you, those with whom you live. Shall we call this a family consciousness, a group consciousness, or better still a consciousness of the whole brotherhood of life?? You have sometimes felt in meditation the intense joy that comes with this realization of spiritual brotherhood (which of course is the true spiritual communion), or with the development of the soul towards awareness and the needs of those around it. 
In the same degree as the individuals progress, so the whole race approaches this point of brotherhood and awareness. You may feel that many centuries may elapse before the world can respond. Nevertheless, we assure you that during the coming fifty years (even 30 years) you will be astonished at the soul-progress of the world, because within this time unbelievable changes will come.
Instead of perpetual war, brotherhood between all things and all people will be established. Today such a statement seems incredible. Nevertheless, the next stage is already developing; that state in which men and women become aware of their true relationship to their brethren. Then there will come an expansion still further, towards God-consciousness or Cosmic-consciousness. Beyond that is the consciousness of the Solar Logos, the solar consciousness.
This is taking you a long way ahead. However, read our words and meditate upon this truth, because a truth so beautiful and wonderful can be both a help and inspiration. This vision of the future life will make you feel that your present striving is very, very well worth the effort. Remember... if you are listening to the voice of the spirit, you are pioneers working for the great day when cosmic and solar consciousness will be the gift or realization of all peoples.
Know that the world is not going to remain in its present state of chaos. We cannot find the words suitable to convey a deeper state of infinite truth, because it would be like tryinng to teach a kindergarten school a lesson in higher mathmatics. You see, you cannot possibly absorb or understand deeper spiritual truths until you are able to comprehend some of the infinite possibilities both within and before you.
This, you will see, is the same law as operates when you first open the door of your consciousness to spirit communication. Everything depends upon the soul which is seeking that communication. All depennds upon your level of spiritual growth and upon your understanding of occult and spiritual law. So it must be, from the beginning in the kindergarten. In a higher class you are able to comprehend more advanced lessons, but everything depends upon you. There is truth. There is glory. I AM the way, the truth and the life, the Christ said. Understand that this life is within you, but until you have unfolded and until you have gained mastery over yourself, you cannot pssibly comprehend the greater mysteries. 
(Article taken from book "The Light Bringer".)

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