Wednesday, 18 August 2021



So how can you break through the darkness which envelopes you?? Only by developing the divine will in your heart -- the will to obey the law of living the Christ life. How are you going to develop this will?? It is so simple that you may not take any notice of what we say -- but every day, all day seek to obey God´s command.... to "love the Lord they God with all thy heart, and with all thy soul and with all thy mind....and....thy neighbour as thyself."
This is a very subtle command. It does not say love your neighbour MORE than thyself , but your neighbour AS yourself. That is all. That is the Law. But it is not so simple.
If you are going to obey the Law of Love, you have to do it physically, mentally, emotionally and spiritually. This means you have to command your thoughts. You have to bring the divine will into operation. You have to will that you will the will of God not only for yourself but for all life, so that you recognize the omnipotence which overshadows the world and also is in charge of your own life.
You are all waiting -- yes, waiting -- for something to happen. Each one of you individually is hoping for a brighter future. We want you to learn the lesson that eternity is now, the future is now. There is neither past, nor present, nor future as separate periods of time; all is within the soul´s embrace now. It is your reaction to the now which make your future. 
Never look to the future and anticipate this, that, or the other. Live today, with God, and no future can hold for you any greater joy than is yours today. Too many folk spend their days waiting for something to happen, for something to turn up. This is to live in fear, and today we would help you to see the foolishness of this. Live today. Live and be at peace, and you have entered your kingdom of heaven.
Regarding the problems of today, people nearly always try to solve them from a purely material standard. We see so much sorrow in the world, and so much fear. Men and women are indeed full of fear -- fearful of their brothers and sisters, and fearful for themselves.
We would speak particularly about this, because fear corrodes and consumes the happiness of a vast number of human beings. There is fear of life generally, fear of the future, fear of loss, fear of ill-health, fear of seperation from loved ones, and above all, fear of death. Fear seems to be the greatest enemy of human kind. So the first thing that a human being must strive for is to overcome fear.
Anxietes can crowd and almost submerge the mind by the turbulence of emotions involved. When fear threatens to overwhelm you, enter the quiet temple within and, by strength of will and spirit, control the emotions. Raise your heart in supplication: "My Father... Divine Mother". Do not dwell any further upon your trouble; it is now in God´s keeping. Come, with a full heart, into the circle of God´s love....
"Father, Mother... you who are in heaven, hallowed be Thy name." This is a state of perfect peace and happiness: "You are my Father/Mother, and you can raise me up to be with You in heaven. Your tranquility and peace alone can bring rest into my heart and soul."
In the light of our Father/Mother, nothing can hurt. We may go through the valley of the shadows and He/She is with us. Their rod and their staff, they comfort us. Therefore open your inner sanctuary, and allow the power of the Spirit to guide you tranquilly down the river of life. In tranquility; but this does not mean that you lose your own responsibility or need for action. When the way is revealed, God may call for decision and action, not passivity.
You who fear for material needs, remember God´s love is omnipotent. God knows!! For you, we say, take courage; step forward on life´s path like sons and daughters of God. He/She has prepared the sustenance, the food, the experience which you need on life´s journey, so that you may grow and evolve.
(Article taken from "The Light Bringer".)

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