Tuesday, 29 March 2022


                    Worldwide Transparency and Disclosure Are Immanent....
As a community of Souls, we are taking part in a phenomenon that has never been tried in just this way before anywhere in the Cosmos. You will notice how different my approach is now that I (Yeshua) am able to talk with you about your heritage and about your biological connections - your genetic relationships - to your Star Brothers and Sisters. 
Two thousand years ago, I could not speak so directly about these truths. Of course I did talk with those you call my Disciples along with my family and friends about our Star Family, but all reference to these things were removed from my Teachings and from the Teachings of my Brothers and Sisters who served with me. The deletion of all information about our Galactic Family was an attempt to make Humankind believe we are isolated and alone in the Universe, while replacing the truth with the all-encompassing programming of thoughts, beliefs and emotions that has enslaved much of the Planet until this day - but now, a New Day is dawning!
There will be no secrets about the actual contacts that have been made with others from distant Planets and Star Systems in the coming days of transparency and disclosure. 
By the time I return to walk with you again on dear Planet Earth, you will already be learning all about your True History and the existence, technology, support and Love of your benevolent Galactic family. The E.T. contacts have been frequent in recent years, and there have been a number of cases where "Alien" (better referred to as "Galactic" or "Cosmic") technologies that were offered to Humankind were co-opted by the "Dark Ones" rather than being used for the Good of All. 
There have also been contacts in the past by others, such as the Ones you call Greys and the ones called Reptilians. It was their wish to achieve a complete takeover of the Planet. Your Dark Ones on the ground who were influenced by them - those we have called the "Archon Alliance" or the "Dark Cabal" - had the same inclination. Each faction thought they could outsmart the other to gain the upper hand with the purpose of controlling the population and resources of Planet Earth. 
You can be assured now that their dark machinations were eventually turned back on themselves, insuring that no Dark faction would ever attain what they imagined. They always underestimated the power of Light and the determination and endurance of the Humans who lived and worked in the Light. We have now overwhelmed the power structures of the Dark Ones, who have always been inclined to turn on each other when things became difficult. This tendency alone demonstrates the greater power of the Light, for we have an inborn desire, even need, to come to the aid of those who need us. 
The road has been long and arduous, but with each passing day by your Earth clock, the way is clearer and the Lightworkers are stronger. The gathering force of Light cannot be denied, suppressed, blocked or sabotaged. Trying to hold back the Light would be as impossible as trying to hold back the tide. You might call it a groundswell of Love and Good Will. It is lifting the tired spirits of all, bringing comfort where there was pain and soothing traumas both physical and psychological, as people awaken and acknowledge the brand new feeling of being truly free to Love. 
With this surge of increasing Light, you are newly in Love with yourselves, your partners and neighbours, your babies and your friends. You see and feel the aura of Light around those you never noticed before, as you begin to see your own. 
Yes, you have been tested, as you planned to be in order to fully explore, and resolve, all the issues of the polarisation on Earth between the Light and the Dark - Good and Evil. In the throes of it, it is often worse than you thought it would be in your optimistic planning stages. This is why it is so important that your Higher Selves are always there to protect you and to ease the pain. Your family of Light, which includes your Higher Self and Twin Soul, constantly sends you support and Loving encouragement, so that you do not give up. 
In the end, nearly all of you cling to life with great tenacity, in spite of your complaints during the hard times. No one knows this better than I do. I was aware of what was coming in my life as Jesus, and still there were moments of unbearable pain. Like you, I felt the pain of betrayal by my fellow Humans as intensely as I felt the physical pain. 
Even though most of those who turned against me in the end were not close to me, it still leaves a deep feeling of sadness to see fellow Humans support an attack on one of their own. Any child who has been teased by a crowd at school, or who has been disowned by their family for some ideological infraction has felt this deep sense of horror and despair. 
Why do we turn against our own? Through pain, trauma and suffering, we became vulnerable - enough to allow ourselves to take on the programming that leads us astray and keeps us cycling and recycling within destructive systems of beliefs and behaviours that are not natural to our true state. 
(Part Two follows soon).
>> From SANANDA - The New Scriptures <<

Friday, 25 March 2022


Meditation is the way to come in contact with your INNER UNIVERSE. When you close your eyes to the outside world you enter into an inner state of Be-ing. You become aware of the Presence of your Soul and the awareness of something deeper and more precious than the goings on in the daily outer and turbulent world where the ego-personality tends to dominate one´s lifestyle.
Going within calms the nerves, quietens the busy mind and brings a peace, a stability and a harmonious stillness into one´s Be-ing. It is a time to reflect and focus on the Divine Essence within you, which you actually are. This is the way to connect directly with Spirit and your blessed Soul. It is the method of getting to know and experience your true Self and Identity.
 Namastè <3

Tuesday, 22 March 2022


Punishment Is Cruel, Unacceptable and Ineffective.
It has long been believed that God punishes those who do not believe in him, or that those who do not accept the concept of One God will be condemned to a terrible Afterlife. Along with that belief system is often included the belief that those who do not accept me, Jesus, as their Saviour will suffer a similar fate - burning in Hell or being cast out of the glory of Heaven.
I wish to state emphatically and without conditions that none of these beliefs is true. Let me respond to each part of these familiar and pervasive notions.
God does not punish, and neither do I. We see punishment as cruel, unacceptable and ineffective.
There is no place such as Hell. You create your own life and the conditions of your Afterlife by your own actions and efforts during your lifetimes on Earth and elsewhere.
Creator Mother/Father God and I, along with The Company of Heaven and all Humankind, designed this "Earth Project" to allow the greatest possible opportunity for growth as Souls - those Souls who volunteered to experience the challenging learning environment which is Life on Planet Earth.
God is Love. I am Love. Compassion, Forgiveness, Hope, Harmony and Joy are Love. When you feel and act on these feelings, you are One with Us, and We are One with You.
There is another common misconception I would like to address here. It is that what we expect of you as Human Beings is "obedience to our Word". Your definition of obedience carries with it the idea of subservience to another. This is not what we wish for or desire.
Human Beings on the 3rd Dimensional Earth plane have Free Will.
Human Beings are intelligent and capable of independent thought and action during their incarnation on the Earth plane in its 3rd Dimensional state. This Dimensional condition has offered a special challenge. Without knowledge of what is past or future, or what exists outside your Earthy existence, you are required to find your own way to the highest level of functioning of which you are capable. In the process, you will also discover the innate connection in your Hearts to your Creators, to me and to the other Masters and Angels who are your Family of Light.
We celebrate your independent growth and exploration. We do not wish to suppress or to limit your discoveries or your learning opportunities. With this as the backdrop for your growth, we understand that all explorers will experience mistakes, mishaps, accidents and even deliberate deviations from what would serve the "Greater Good".
We see that you use your mistakes to learn and to evolve to a Higher Consciousness. This Learning Process on Earth has been a many-lifetime process, and we have willingly waited, watched and listened with patience as you have worked your way through trial-and-error experiences until finding your own inner guidance, your connection to God.
We do not interfere in your lives, even when things go badly, or when you indulge in what you might call criminal behaviour or destructive actions. We are bound by our Contract with you to allow you to work through your Lessons throughout your lifetime until you find your answers by experiencing the consequences of those actions. We understand that this may occur either within a single lifetime, or during your Afterlife Review, when you see your own actions through the feelings and the eyes of those you affected.
There is no punishment for transgressions during any life. Even murder may be understood as self-defence and therefore forgiven. Those who have lost a connection to their Hearts and to Divine Will, who have become the "Dark Ones" by choice and by preference, are welcomed back into the fold if they should desire to be in the Light. If not, they may eventually request to be uncreated, their molecules dispersed into the All That Is, but that would only be by their own choice, not ours. Also, in every case, we extend maximum support, encouragement, healing and incentive to aid every Soul to return home to the Light after any harrowing or extended experience in the Lower or Dark Dimensions.
Because we understand and see that your lives here in Human bodies are but a moment in the experience of your life as a Soul, this existence is no more important or precious than any moment in your Soul development. We value Human life as a part of the Great Plan of Soul Ascension, not as an end in itself, because there is no end.
We see you as Souls in Ascension, housed temporarily in the bodies you have accepted to carry you through this lifetime. The gender, environmental conditions and challenges you were to experience here were planned by you, your Higher Self, during your sojourn with us in the Higher Dimensions. In spite of our deep compassion for your difficulties, if we were to intervene to prevent the pain or challenges you experience here, we would be breaking the first Universal Law which is upheld by Creator. The first Universal Law is that of non-intervention by one who has power or influence over others.
We know from our perspective and from own experiences that once this lifetime is over, pain and suffering are gone, serving only as the memory and impetus for greater depth of understanding, empathy and compassion for others. From this Higher Dimensional perspective, shared by all Souls between incarnations, the greater the challenge - which may even include pain, starvation, suffering and violent death - the more powerful the learning experience.
We understand that this Higher Dimensional perspective is opposed to what you feel and think during your lifetime here, and we are sympathetic about the conflict you experience when you see others suffering. We encourage your efforts to alleviate suffering on the Planet, but we have also cautioned you that individual "Life Contracts" made at the Spiritual Plane level must not be interfered with.
Currently, because Gaia, the Soul of Mother Earth, has recently Ascended to the 5th Dimension, and because you are expected to soon move up with Her as a group, all Soul Contracts that called for great challenges and difficulties are hereby suspended, provided your Higher Self is in agreement with this action. Any agreements that remain in effect would have been previously planned with the unique conditions of the approaching Ascension in mind.
This does not mean the end of your Learning Process here. It is the responsibility of each Soul to assess and to understand what this new freedom implies.
We admire and respect the progress a Soul is able to make in the direction of feeling, seeing, thinking and knowing the Love of God during a life in a 3rd Dimensional Reality.
Rather than obedience, which would be imposed from without, we understand that to find our way to balance, clarity and Love by following our inner compass is a triumph of growth. The inner-directed ability to reach a high level of consciousness while still on the lower vibrational Earth plane is Universally seen as a triumph of Soul development.
Because of the myriad of difficulties a Soul may experience in one lifetime on Earth, this Earth Project as the Explorer/Creator Race is seen throughout the Cosmos as a highly-respected endeavour - something like the Olympics of Soul Growth - and a much-desired opportunity. The privilege of being able to spend a lifetime on Earth has long been seen as a highly-prised test of one's mettle, resilience, stamina and Faith. Creator Mother and Father ask only that you respect your opportunity to experience life here as the gift it is, and that you use it accordingly.
We ask that you consider these words carefully. Ponder them well, for in this message we give you the answer to your question: What is the meaning of Life? When you understand fully the meaning behind this testing Earth Project for which you have volunteered was of your own choosing, you will also know that there is no reason for complaint, no oppression of your Self by Us.
There is no reason for self-inflicted guilt for what you regret, what you have done so far, because at any moment, you can turn to the Light, join with Us in Love, and you will at that moment achieve Salvation, of your own accord. Salvation, from our perspective, means relief from delusion, darkness, anguish and pain. The result of such salvation is Ascension to a higher level of consciousness. This is the goal of all Souls in the Cosmos. Join Us in Love, Peace, Compassion and Harmony, and you will know the Joy of One. 

Friday, 18 March 2022



Today is a brand new Time for Planet Earth. It is a "Time of Change", a Time to leave behind old ideas, no matter how precious they might have been to you. I regret that I am now in the position of having to revise the Religion that was established in my name, but the misinterpretations of my teachings are so rampant that I must set the record straight. Would you not want to do the same if you knew you were misquoted so frequently and so deliberately it changed the message that had been the work of your Heart and Soul?
It is not a matter of pride for me. It is a matter of Truth. The ones we call Prime Creator or Mother/Father God - Creators of our Multiverse - which currently consists of ten Multi-dimensional Universes - and I worked together for aeons developing the "Plan for Planet Earth". Our Dream of the Blue Planet was always that she and all upon her would be able to descend into lower vibrations, to create a 3rd and 4th Dimensional World for Humankind to experience with Free Will and to offer Prime Creator Source - Mother/Father's children an arena to learn and practice Co-creation.
Of course the only way to experience Free Will is behind the "Veil of Forgetfulness", such as encircles Planet Earth, since that is the only way you can feel separate from Universal Law and fully learn the consequences of your actions. Being veiled and feeling separate allows your senses to suggest to you that things "happen" independent of one another. You feel dissociated from the "cause and effect" dynamic that is so obvious to us in the Higher Dimensions.
You see, in the Higher Dimensions, although we have Free Will, the outcome of every major choice is so apparent and obvious that there is far less latitude to experience imbalanced or aberrant choices and behaviours. It is easier to foresee the outcome of your actions when the possibilities and probabilities are laid out before you in vivid colour.
The fruition of the Dream was to be the day (in Cosmic terms, of course) when Terra, Planet Earth, would rise back again to the 5th Dimension and beyond in triumph with her beloved family of Humans, animals, plants and other Sentient Beings. All were to rise along with Terra in a glorious Ascension that would lift the entire Cosmos along with her. Yes, it was what we foresaw, and what we expect to see now. Our faith in Humankind has not been misplaced.
Even though the Dark Ones slowed the process by creating havoc with the thinking and feelings of the people, Humankind has shown the resilience and true nature of our Cosmic Creator's special Explorer/Creator Race designated to take over from Him/Her at a future time. As a special Adamic Race placed in severe training on Earth, many of you nonetheless have managed to cling to your ability to sense what is fair, right, just and true. You have done it with your sturdy hearts and with your far-ranging minds, and yet you also cannot help but turn to some form of Faith when you feel yourselves slipping.
You are built for flexibility, courage and determination. These are qualities that provide a powerful foundation for your Creativity. You nevertheless see yourselves as chaotic, unable to control your emotions and your thoughts. You feel at the mercy of your instincts, your experiences and your environment. Yet we see you as brilliant, lacking only the skilled coaching that will help you raise yourselves to the levels of intelligence and command you were specially created to embody.
This is the purpose of these Messages: to help you raise the vibrational level at which you operate in your everyday lives to the point where you will be able to Ascend with your Dear Mother Earth in the very near future. Some of you are ready now, but the promise of Ascension we all made to each other long ago in the Dreaming Time was that all would come together. We envisioned creating the most wonderful, joyous uplifting of Hearts to carry every one over the threshold into the 4th and 5th Dimensions at the same time.
Now, by "everyone at once," we did not necessarily mean in the same exact moment. You will each make your "Shift" when you feel ready. Some have been preparing for years, and will sail through on the First Wave Ascension because they are fully informed of the discipline and elevation needed to make the transition. Others will take a few more months to acclimate to the idea that their entire lives are going to change, regardless of whether they hang on for dear life to their old familiar ways or not. And of course, the old familiar ways for many are steeped in religious tradition.
It has been an area of conflict across the globe - one religion against another - with each claiming to be "The One True Word of God". Dear friends, I can tell you now with complete confidence, there is no one True Religion at this time on Planet Earth. There are many truths and many falsehoods in every religion, from Christianity to Islam, from Buddhism to Hinduism, from distorted New Age views to the tribal belief systems of the most remote forests and mountains (although some of those come closer to Truth through their simple acceptance of God in themselves and in every living thing). 

(Article from Yeshua and "The New Scriptures" ). -- http://thenewearth.org/Jesus-SANANDA%20-%20THE%20NEW%20SCRIPTURES.html?fbclid=IwAR1dcrjdccXX5KBkM003NFHYSu0lOx4yEt62WMXwuOV7MJqnE2ELf2QalhI