Thursday, 14 April 2022



Ascension Means Total Healing and Restoration - And It Is in Progress Now!

Now, let us address a current question in many of your minds. What is Ascension, and when, if ever, will it occur? Most of you are familiar with the story of my Resurrection. This was the example we wished to give you of what Ascension is. If there are those who doubt there is an Afterlife, I can assure you, it is not an Afterlife; it is Life Eternal. Each person finishes this present incarnation by going to the Light to resume life as a Soul in a Lightbody which is what you might think of as your "normal" state, since this sojourn on Earth is just a short phase in your long life as a Soul.
This time you will not only travel to the 4th and 5th Dimensions, but you will be able to do so without the death of the body you are currently inhabiting, unlike your previous lifetimes. This time, you have the option to be completely healed and restored to a healthy body and to take this body with you. You will be able to make changes in the appearance, size, shape and possibly even gender of the body you will retain when you reach either the 4th or the 5th Dimension.
This may sound like magic to you, but of course magic, by your standards, does happen in the Higher Dimensions because Creation occurs with the combination of thought and feeling, not through the manipulation of material substances with your hands, as you know it here. This is the World you can look forward to. It is the Promised Land which has been foretold in your ancient texts, but it is better by far than anything we can put into words for you here.
The 5th Dimensional World of your near future truly is the place where the "Lion lies down with the Lamb" because all creatures, Human and otherwise, will be sustained with a diet of vegetable and fruit matter, and none will need or want to consume their Brothers and Sisters. Weather changes will make possible a Planet completely covered with lush vegetation, plentiful gardens and people and animals who are free to express the fulfilment of their Souls without concern for things like money, hunger, war or physical danger.
Communication will be telepathic, immediate and perfectly understood. Transportation over long distances will be accomplished by individual or community spacecraft. This is not a science fiction dream. It is the current reality on many other Planets in the Cosmos - this and more. Your Star Brothers and Sisters are circling your Planet now, to bring you their technologies, their knowledge, and their help in fulfilling the Dream of Ascension. All the Cosmos awaits your Awakening.
You are so Loved, so respected and admired throughout the Multiverse that all eyes are turned to observe your wondrous progress in raising your vibration from immense density under the influence of organised dark forces to real and lasting freedom.
I encourage you to focus your energies on making the strong connection between the centres in your brain, your heart and your solar plexus (your Will) so that you can make the leap into the World that awaits you. This is the organisation of Self that allows you to live in Pure Love, with your deep connection to Source, to me, and to your Higher Self, which is the part of your Soul that remains in the Higher Dimensions at One with God.
You are the Creator Race, made in the likeness of your Creator. This does not mean you are completely identical to Creator. It means that in your progress toward Enlightenment (literally, embodying Light), you grow ever closer to the perfection of One. We are all moving toward that glorious Finale - becoming "One with our Creator".
Awaken, Dear Ones. Put down your instruments of slavery to your jobs - your mobile phones and computers. Look around you at the beauty you have missed. Look into the eyes of children, at the glowing sunsets and the sparkling dawns. Your Mother Earth is cleansing herself; you are being protected from nuclear dangers and overwhelming pollution. The era of the destruction of the Planet and the slavery of all Humankind is now over.
There will be no more wars, no more mass genocides or catastrophic loss of life, as long as you continue to Ascend with your dear Planet. She has already left the realm of Death, to be reborn and renewed. She is pacing her transition to continue to help you, to sustain and provide for you.
Begin with the knowledge that all Living Things are Conscious Beings. Every animal, vegetable and mineral is made up of the Consciousness of Creator. You, as part of the Creation of All Things, have a living relationship to all those Conscious Beings around you and throughout the Cosmos, whether you acknowledge it or not.
Mother Earth is filled with Love for her Children, just as We are. Prime Creator Mother/Father God stand with you in Love and Light to urge you forward into the most exhilarating, triumphant Right of Passage ever known. No Soul will be left behind; no Child of God will be ignored or passed over. Each and every one has worth, and all are honoured equally. Arise, Children of Earth. It is truly time to meet your Maker, and you will be delighted to learn how Loving, Compassionate, Patient, Understanding and Good-humoured they are. 
(from "Jesus-SANANDA - The New Scriptures").

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