Tuesday, 26 April 2022



Nothing is more important in the training of a Soul than to learn to fully accept and acknowledge the power of one's ability to Create and to be in full command of that power....
There must be no lapses, no forgetfulness, no denial of the nature of that power to uplift or destroy in the blink of an eye. This lesson is indeed a challenging one. It takes thousands of lifetimes to truly absorb the deeper meaning of how your actions are felt by others. This has been your path, to learn, to experience all kinds of lifetimes, and to internalise the Truth of your nature and your responsibility to use your power judiciously and only for the Greater Good.
You will know if you are well prepared for the Higher Dimensions when you carefully examine your response to the words you are reading here. Are you disbelieving? Are you scoffing at the idea that you have great power, listing in your mind all the seeming evidence of your own powerlessness and helplessness to have an impact on your own life? You are showing yourself, Beloved One, that you have not learned the "Lesson of One". You are not seeing, therefore you cannot see the evidence that is before you.
The remedy to this common ailment, Human blindness, is to breathe in the air of Source, feel your own Life Force coursing through your veins, and shake off the fogginess of illusion and delusion. It is time for you to awaken your Heart, for it is the source of Wisdom, Vision and Truth.
You have been trained to think only with your brains, even to ignore the voice of your Heart in favour of playing with ideas inside your skull. This is blindness. Those ideas inside your brain were put there by someone in your environment, your culture, your religion or your family. Many were put there by the Dark Cabal to control and enslave you. They are not your own thoughts and ideas, yet you hold them to be true and even precious. At this time in your development, and given that you have these new Lessons to help you make this transition, it is wilful blindness to rely entirely on your brain to guide you instead of your much more important deep inner feelings in guiding your life decisions.
Look inward, Dear Ones, to activate and energise the Source within you. These bodies you have been given for this journey are the expression in the flesh of God's Wisdom, Compassion and Love. You do feel pain. It is the corrective response that stops you in your tracks to alert you that you must protect your Sacred Self. You feel great joy, exhilaration and fulfilment when you move into the Light. You are capable of great Love, and when you allow that blessed emotion to guide your every moment, you will feel the bliss of being One with me and with our Creator. No external difficulty or challenge can break that bond, once you have taken it as your own.
You have free will. You can turn your back on the dawning wonder of Ascension. You can clutch your belongings and the ideas and concepts you were taught, holding onto the past because it is supposedly all you know. Yes, in your brain, it may be all you know, but in your body, in your heart feelings, in the Chakras making up your complex system of responses to this lifetime, you carry the wisdom of the Ages. Open your mind (the eternal Knowing which transcends this present brain), and allow the flow of Light and Love to wash over you. The Source of All-That-Is is entirely composed of the energy of Love, that which is the main creative Energy Force throughout all of Creation. You only need to allow yourself to open to it, and it will sooth and heal your sore heart and mend the body that has been so damaged by the toxins of a life steeped in darkness. 

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