Many of you are aware of the healing sessions we have asked our Family on the ground, the Lightworkers, to conduct across the Globe in private sessions, at retreats and through the Internet. Many have come to be healed, and many more have volunteered to join in the offering of healing energy for their Brothers and Sisters. Look, Beloved Ones. You will see that together, day by day we are proving "the Power of Intention." If your intention is to heal and be healed, it will be done. In the process, you have proven to the doubters that Humankind is indeed a generous and caring Race.
Whenever anyone anywhere is engaged in healing, although the focus is on whoever is inviting and accepting the healing, the healing energies impact everyone. As a person is healed, it literally paves the way for others to be healed as well. Your healing is dependent on you in that it is your solemn invitation to be healed that causes your transformation, in accordance with your willingness to activate and receive the healing. In this way, the Healers as well as those being healed are restored across Earth in a momentous and lasting up swell.
Together we change the World, one healing at a time. We are demonstrating that there is really no such thing as an isolated healing experience because as each healing takes place, the "sickness" that the individual has carried loses its power, and others learn to shake off the ideas and feelings that served to feed and maintain the illness they have been carrying.
The Arcturians, for those who are not familiar with this name, are a highly evolved and extremely skilled group of Beings from the Planet Arcturus who have studied Humankind closely. The Arcturians have been fascinated with the heart/mind/soul/body organisation in this species of Humans, and they have worked hard to understand the complex interactions between emotion and thinking. They have developed very advanced and effective technologies to eliminate disease and to balance all the systems of the body.
The Arcturians are completely dedicated to their work, and they give themselves wholeheartedly in service. We work in cooperation with them, directing the healing energies of Love and Light to increase the healing and to seal it in place. Each one who receives a healing or who witnesses it being done will feel the powerful effect of our combined energies on all the systems of the body.
Every person incarnated upon Earth, including you, has a Healing Team as part of your Celestial Guides that are with them the entire time they are alive. Your Higher Dimension Guides are a Team of advanced and Loving Beings that help you in the preparation for your Life Plan and stays with you from birth, until you have successfully completed your Life Review when you return to the Higher Dimensions.
Your Healing Team is comprised of: Galactic Federation of Light (The Great White Brotherhood) specialists, Arcturian Healers, members of your Galactic and Soul Family and your Body Elemental. Your Body Elemental is a Being of tremendous Light, who remains with you throughout all of your Earth incarnations. Your Body Elemental is freed from this tremendous service once you Ascend. Your Beloved Twin Flame, also known as your Twin Soul, participates closely in your on-going healing as well.
Our numbers are growing. As each person joins the worldwide group of those involved in Healing, the Power of One increases, giving us access to an increasing flow of Light, which we then focus to activate even more Healing. A large part of this process is to stimulate and Awaken the powerful Human immune system, which has been asleep and suppressed by the owners of the bodies who are entirely unaware of their own abilities to heal themselves. This, of course, has been a part of the control mechanism of the Dark Ones. The Medical Establishment has unwittingly played into this by encouraging people to think they are at the mercy of illness and disease and need a professional to do something external to "cure" them.
We have emphasised that no one can cure you but yourself. We can guide, support and focus the energy needed to change your body from disease to health, but without the conscious awareness and cooperation of the One being healed, it will not "take." You can restore the feelings of sickness and helplessness and can defeat the healing process if you are not aware of this tendency in yourself to slide back into a state of darkness.
Healing at this time requires that you raise your vibration into the 4th - 5th Dimensions. Ascended Masters, Gods and Goddesses, Angels and Enlightened Beings of all kinds do not get sick because they are vibrating at a level that does not allow for any foreign influence to enter the Lightbody. You can do the same.
(Article from --- http://thenewearth.org/Jesus-SANANDA%20-%20THE%20NEW... )
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