Wednesday, 15 June 2022


Just as Nature has its familiar cycles of Autumn, Winter and Spring, dying down, repose and rebirth, so too do Planets, Planetary Systems, and with them, the Civilisations which inhabit them. Here too the same cycle prevails, but on a much longer time-scale, such as we are presently witnessing as a twenty-six thousand year "End of a Major Cycle" when our Solar System has completed a full orbit around our Galactic Central Sun. Such an ending of a Major Age usually involves all the Sentient Beings moving up a step to a higher Plane and Vibrational level as part of their ongoing Evolutionary progress. 
Our Planet Earth and its inhabitants have long been living at one of the lowest of the Vibrational level Dimensions, namely the Third Dimension, also known as the dense Physical level. About a third of our population will thus be Ascending to the Fourth Dimension, similar to the Etheric level of our Heavenly "Summerlands" that most of us go up to at our time of Death. 
Many of Earth's more evolved "Lightworkers" will either go up to the already existing 5th Dimensional Earth which invisibly surrounds our 3D Earth, or return to their former higher level Home Planets in another part of the Universe. However, many of Earth's inhabitants, possibly another third, will probably not be able to move up to a higher Dimension at this point in their evolutionary progress and will therefore have to be moved to some other 3rd Dimensional Planet in another part of the Universe. Otherwise, they would be painfully subjected to and overcome by the higher vibrational energies which they are totally unprepared for. 
Planet Earth up to now on the Third Dimensional / Vibrational Frequency, herself will need to undergo some major Planetary Cleansing of land, sea, and atmosphere in order to move her planetary body up to the higher 4th and 5th Dimensional levels. At the time, some of Earth's population who are in those areas where significant surface changes will need to be carried out will be evacuated to safety by the Galactic Federation, a large group of E.T. Motherships surrounding us at this time in order to be ready to assist us at our time of Ascension.
Plans have long been in place by the Galactic Federation to ensure that this major operation can be carried out smoothly and safely. Those who might fear the prospect, and most of us instinctively fear any kind of change, should be assured that they will at once be encompassed by an all-pervading feeling of peace and tranquillity, while at the same time discarding the fear and uncertainty which is our constant Earthly companion, together with our environment of poverty, uncertainty and dread. 
Indeed, though incidental to the Major Cycle itself and its own demands, the Human activities being acted out on our Planet's surface have recently dragged our Civilisation down to new depths of violence, terrorism and repression among individuals, tribal minorities and nations. In addition, we have over a long period polluted our Planet, its surface and especially its oceans, to immeasurable and unsustainable levels of pollution and degradation which cannot longer continue. 
It is thus timely and appropriate that we take a wider view of these forthcoming events in order to be informed and prepared, as indeed we are warned and advised to do by many of the Higher Celestial Masters and other sources communicating through Earth-based intermediaries, Mediums and Visionaries. 

(Article from "The Earth Changes -- Book 2).

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