As we are on the verge of a significant change of Universal Age, it becomes therefore rather important at this time to now become fully aware that we are surrounded by millions of other inhabited Worlds within our Universe, all of them teeming with intelligent life. Most of them are vastly more advanced than our own world, living on higher Planes/Dimensions with a higher vibration-rate than Earth's dense-physical Third Dimension.
A large group of these worlds have therefore been closely watching over us since World War II with millions of their Motherships surrounding us (although at present invisible to us at their 5th Dimensional vibrational level), ready to assist us at any moment to fulfil our Ascension up to a Fourth Dimensional "New Earth". They also have had an important function in shielding us from any unwarranted intrusions or attacks by those Forces of Darkness that unfortunately still exist within our Galaxy. However, they have never wished to directly interpose themselves on our World, as any interference without our express invitation would be wrong for them karmaically.
Many of Earth's Lightworkers, as members of our Creator's "Explorer Race", have volunteered to come to Planet Earth at this time to expressly partake in a major "Experiment" by our Creator of this Grand Universe to overcome and resolve the growing Duality which has developed within this part of His Universe between the Forces of Light and Darkness - the Positive versus the Negative - Good and Evil. This difficult immersion process within our Earth Planet has been enacted through our Creator placing our Planet within a "Veil of Quarantine" from contact with all the teeming Higher Worlds surrounding us.
This "Veil" or barrier, has been placed around Earth to shroud us from contact with other Worlds so that we could pursue this experiment on behalf of our Cosmic Creator without distraction or undue outside interference so that we could "Reinvent the Wheel" of Societal development from scratch. This "Veil" nonetheless has unfortunately had the effect of cutting all of us off from the vast stores of hard-won evolutionary knowledge developed by all the other Worlds around us. It was meant to be a unique "Experiment" designed to concentrate us, un-influenced by outsiders, in finding new ways to overcome the natural growth of "Negativity" in Society and its consequent development of the many "Forces of Evil" that have grown up in other parts of our Creator's Universe.
Those many of us who volunteered to join in this Experiment did so in order to hopefully develop new and better permanent solutions, not only for our own World, but also for the benefit of all the many other Worlds in our Universe. Unfortunately, this whole experiment has subsequently turned out to have not been a very great success, allowing Negativity and the Forces of Evil to develop out of control to new heights, not only within this Planet, but in many other parts of our Milky Way Galaxy. Therefore, it has been decided at the Higher Spiritual Administrative levels, to coincide with the Major Galactic End of Age, for it to be finally closed down, this being done mainly with the help of the Galactic Federation of all the other Galaxies of Light.
Our Space Brothers from more advanced worlds, have up to recently therefore been instructed to not interfere with our Earth "Experiment", and thus limited their direct contact except to occasionally communicate to us through their carefully chosen Channellers. Nonetheless, our Extraterrestrial visitors have at times tried to communicate directly with either our Governments or our Media, especially so in a wish to warn them of the extreme dangers of our development and use of Atomic weapons, and particularly the Hydrogen Bomb. They have also taken the opportunity to warn the Governments of the coming "End of Age Earth Changes".
However, Governments fearing the loss of their control over us, have conducted a major "Cover Up" of U.F.O.s and Extraterrestrial visitors since World War II, and at the same time intimidated the World's Media into ignoring any reports of UFO sightings in our skies. Meanwhile, many of the major Governments have quietly created their own secret files of all the numerous UFO sightings supplied by their Military Forces and filed them away in Top-Secret Archives, although at the same time even secretly interacting with some of those extraterrestrial visitors.
As an example of the US Government's cover-up of UFOs and the existence of extraterrestrials over the years, only recently have the true secrets of the well-known Roswell flying saucer crash in 1947 been revealed, this by a non-governmental source. When a "Flying Saucer" was reported on the 8th of July 1947 to have crashed near Roswell, New Mexico, a US Air Force retrieval team was immediately sent to the site of the crash. Among them was an Air Force Senior Master Sergeant Nurse, Matilda MacElroy, who was given the task of attending to the sole survivor E.T. in the crashed craft out of the two other crew members. She turned out to be the only person on their return to the Military Base who was able to communicate with the E.T. survivor through telepathy, which nobody else was able to do.
She was given the task of communicating with the small E.T. female Being, whom she was to name as "Airl", who had refused to answer any questions other than through her. After being helped by Nurse MacElroy to learn English through the use of many books borrowed from the Base's Library on all sorts of Earth subjects over a remarkably short 16 day period, Airl was to give an extraordinary telepathic message, and only through Nurse MacElroy, which was transcribed by a Government stenographer. This gave many details of the workings of what Airl describes as the "Dark Reptilian-Draconian Old Empire" which still has a powerful presence within our Milky Way Galaxy and which also has up until recently had a strong control over our "Secret Government" on Earth working secretly behind major Governments and the Banking Sector, also known as the "Dark Cabal".
Following the E.T.'s death 6 weeks later, brought on by electric shock treatment by US Government operatives to force revelations out of her, Nurse MacElroy was debriefed and sent into forced retirement by the US Air Force, but managed in the confusion to retain her own copy of the transcripts of the interviews. These were duplicates of the "Top Secret" transcripts also kept by the US Government, the existence of which they have never revealed to the public. 60 years later on, Mrs. MacElroy sent her own copy of the Transcripts to Lawrence R. Spencer, the Author of "The Oz Factors" not long before her death at the age of 83. Mr Spencer has bravely published this as the book "Alien Interview".
(Article from "The Earth Changes -- Book 2).
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