This Law does not deal with things so much as it deals with events. Every thought that we think, every act that we perform (individually or collectively), has its direct and indirect impact on the events which are part of the chain of cause and effect.
El Morya continues....
"The lower planes of existence are those that keep individuals trapped in the wheel of rebirth, lifetime after lifietime, learning how to complete unfinished business with souls they have encountered. In these experiences, the individual often moves like a puppet at the direction of another individual´s stronger will. Thoughts and emotions from stronger personalities often "cause" the individual to act and feel in ways that coincide with that stronger will. If the individual is not balanced within, with the yin (female) and yang (male) energies and is not self-confident through self-love, then that individual will usually bow to the stronger will for approval or from lack of courage.
Fear or lack of confidence are the primary driving forces that keep individuals trapped in this wheel of rebirth. When there is something lacking within, humans try to fill the void through behaviours evident in the outer world.
Staying Centered
The goal in mastery is to stay centered at all times and not to move to extreme positions of behaviour. In this mode, the Initiates understand that they can experience maximum power and overcome all odds, unless fate dictates otherwise. Will is needed to stay centered, calm and peaceful at all times. This is how will is used to master the Law of Cause and Effect.
A master knows that any approach other than this one will never work. Moving to extreme positions of behaviour only grounds the individual more firmly in the lower planes of existence. Taking extreme positions sets up situations through the wheel of cause and effect that continue to bring more of the same experiences to the soul. This occurs until the lesson to be learned is finally mastered, freeing the individual to move to a higher existence.
The Inward Journey
In the Law of Vibration (earlier article), it was revealed that higher vibrations consume and transform lower vibrations. Lower vibrations never can change higher ones for the higher energy is always too intense. Since all actions create other events, the Law of Cause and Effect teaches that the way to free oneself from events that appear negative and destructive is to begin the inward journey, monitoring all thoughts and feelings experienced.
Strength of Willpower
Remember that the strength of the will drives the momentum in the Law of Cause and Effect. The will, when centered and in alignment with the heart and mind, has the power to perform miracles, and, in these moments, to control the electron spin. This is possible when the individual is both clear and free of judgement. It is also possible when he or she understands that it is Light that directs the currents of creation."
Part Three follows....
This article is from "The Light Shall Set You Free".