Friday, 26 April 2013


This Law does not deal with things so much as it deals with events.  Every thought that we think, every act that we perform (individually or collectively), has its direct and indirect impact on the events which are part of the chain of cause and effect.

El Morya continues....


"The lower planes of existence are those that keep individuals trapped in the wheel of rebirth, lifetime after lifietime, learning how to complete unfinished business with souls they have encountered.  In these experiences, the individual often moves like a puppet at the direction of another individual´s stronger will.  Thoughts and emotions from stronger personalities often "cause" the individual to act and feel in ways that coincide with that stronger will.  If the individual is not balanced within, with the yin (female) and yang (male) energies and is not self-confident through self-love, then that individual will usually bow to the stronger will for approval or from lack of courage.

Fear or lack of confidence are the primary driving forces that keep individuals trapped in this wheel of rebirth.  When there is something lacking within, humans try to fill the void through behaviours evident in the outer world.

Staying Centered

The goal in mastery is to stay centered at all times and not to move to extreme positions of behaviour.  In this mode, the Initiates understand that they can experience maximum power and overcome all odds, unless fate dictates otherwise.  Will is needed to stay centered, calm and peaceful at all times.  This is how will is used to master the Law of Cause and Effect.

A master knows that any approach other than this one will never work.  Moving to extreme positions of behaviour only grounds the individual more firmly in the lower planes of existence.  Taking extreme positions sets up situations through the wheel of cause and effect that continue to bring more of the same experiences to the soul.  This occurs until the lesson to be learned is finally mastered, freeing the individual to move to a higher existence.

The Inward Journey

In the Law of Vibration (earlier article), it was revealed that higher vibrations consume and transform lower vibrations.  Lower vibrations never can change higher ones for the higher energy is always too intense.  Since all actions create other events, the Law of Cause and Effect teaches that the way to free oneself from events that appear negative and destructive is to begin the inward journey, monitoring all thoughts and feelings experienced.

Strength of Willpower

 Remember  that the strength of the will drives the momentum in the Law of Cause and Effect.  The will, when centered and in alignment with the heart and mind, has the power to perform miracles, and, in these moments, to control the electron spin.  This is possible when the individual is both clear and free of judgement.  It is also possible when he or she understands that it is Light that directs the currents of creation."

Part Three follows....

This article is from "The Light Shall Set You Free".


The Law of Cause and Effect is the expression of Divine Order in the Universe.  This law states that nothing happens by chance or outside the Universal Laws.

(Remember these facts... Every Cause has its Effect;  every Effect has its Cause;  everything happens according to Law;  Chance is a name for a Law not recognized;  There are many planes of causation, but nothing escapes The Law.) 

An Introduction 

The Master El Morya speaks  --  "Peace to the Children of Light who are ready to become self-realized!  It is I, El Morya, tending today´s lesson that is destined to bring freedom to the masses.  I come on the wings of the dove and hold the olive branch in my hand, offering it to all who are willing to accept it.  The olive branch symbolizes peace, as it is through peace that humans will master the Law of Cause and Effect.  If my humble gift is accepted, then the words in this passage will further your power because they shall describe the steps required to overcome the bondage of the human soul.

Universal Order

The Law of Cause and Effect is complicated on the surface, yet simple within the order of the Universe.  The law briefly states that `Every cause creates an effect, and every effect has its origin in a cause.´ On the surface it appears complicated because there are so many forces than can produce effects.  For example, there are the thoughts, feelings, words, or actions produced in any moment of time that affect the outcome later on;  or there are forces set into motion from previous lifetimes or through genetics that must be realized.

It is difficult to discern the cause when one is in the midst of solving a dilemma or learning from an experience.  In the midst of confusion, what is important to remember is that all is created through perfect cycles of energy.  This is truth because there is universal order in all things.  That order says that everything moves in a circular fashion.  This includes all experiences in every individual´s life, as well as the forces of nature.

Interconnecting Phenomena

The Law of Cause and Effect contains certain interconnecting phenomena that must be understood when proceeding on the path to mastery.  These phenomena are :

#   The strength of will
#   The clarity of the aspirant
#   The fear of the unknown and its effect on events
#   Forgiveness

Every person participates in creating his or her own reality through individual actions.  The difference between an "average" individual and a master is that the average individual is tossed about like a boat on a high sea, following the stronger wills of others.  Masters learn that by using higher laws against lower laws and applying high principles with strength of commitment, they create their own destinies and environment.  Subconsciously, this is the state in which all wish to be.  This, however, is a state few have achieved because the hearts and minds of most individuals are not strong enough to assume responsibility for creating their own realities.

No Such Thing

Several planes of existence are operating simultaneously in the Law of Cause and Effect.  Everything happens for a reason;  there is no such thing as chance.  All occurrences are continuous and unbroken, although the individual often does not understand the reason for the event.  The higher planes are those that build mastery -- the lower planes are those that complete unfinished business.  The soul stays on the lower planes of existence for many lifetimes until it has released itself from karmic debts and responsibilities that have been harmful to growth.

Tests of Initiation

When an Initiate begins to assume a higher state of consciousness, the Higher Self (which controls the higher planes of existence) brings experiences and lessons to the individual that build character.  Karma is dissolved and replaced by Tests of Initiation to strengthen the soul.  The Higher Self then defines personality characteristics that need refinement or strengthening and brings lessons with individuals (opponents) into a person´s life to help that individual understand how to grow in the Light.  Such examples might include :

#   Overcoming pride
#   Asserting with love
#   Learning unconditional love
#   Controlling fears
#   Surrendering ego to the will of God
#   Controlling the emotional and/or mental bodies
#   Desiring to be of world service".

Part Two follows....

This article is from "The Light Shall Set You Free".

Wednesday, 17 April 2013


Every cell within us contains intelligence and the whole pattern of our essence.  We are beings with interacting systems which make up our wholeness.  Similarly, we are part of others and of the World around us.  There is a basic wisdom and knowledge within the Universe which is beyond our physical reality.

El Morya finishes his discourse on this subject :

Vibrational Rates

"Let us use the thermoeter as an example to explain these concepts and show how easy it is to visualise the Law of Correspondence at work.

The thermometer registers numerical readings ranging from low to high.  Nowhere are there markings which indicate absolute divisions separating one from another, such as hot or cold.  Yet we are aware that all measurements are contained within, and each division has its own unique vibration or measurement, different one from another.

Universal Mind

The various different vibrations contained within the All exist simultaneously like the variations within the thermometer.  These range from the physical to the spiritual planes, for the purpose of this instruction.  The difference between the thermometer and the Universal Mind is that there are billions of unending variations within the Universal Mind, whereas the thermometer registers a limited range.  Yet every change of condition will affect the reading of the thermometer.


What is significant about the Law of Correspondence is that ALL LAWS EXIST WITHIN THIS CORRESPONDENCE;  THEREFORE, ALL IS CONTAINED WITHIN IT.  One plane of existence is affected by another and one plane affects another.  All occur simultaneously.  Consequently, all changes in one plane of existence affect the other planes as well.  This includes thoughts, words, emotions and actions.  The Celestial Realms and angeelic, devic and elemental kingdoms all are interconnected with decisions humans make on Earth.  There is no escaping this.  All are one and all correspond to one another.  This also applies to humanity´s decisions and how they affect other people and the World.

The Power Within

When the aspirant begins to realise this truth, the world takes on a new meaning.  With this knowledge, power within the mind and heart begins to grow.  This is the beauty of this understanding.  This knowledge is destined to transform the World when Initiates everywhere rise and begin to increase their individual Light frequencies through the power of the inner journeys and the mind.

Since the Light is the highest vibrational frequency known to Humanity, it is reasonable to conclude that Spirit is Light.  Since Spirit is the Creator with the power of manifestation, learn to illumine the mind and the heart with the Light of the God Force, Dear Ones.  Work with this state of mind to further your understanding of the Law of Correspondence.  Become that which you already are.  Become your destiny.

Working With El Morya

I, El Morya, will work with any Initiate who calls my name in the Light of the Most Radiant One.  I shall direct the attention of the soul to finding the corresponding path that shall enlighten your world.  Ask and Ye Shall Receive!  THE TIME IS NOW!  Come forward out of exile and build Heaven on Earth.

Adonai.  In the Light of the Most High, I AM El Morya."

This article is from "The Light Shall Set You Free".

Tuesday, 16 April 2013


Nothing in the Universe exists seperately or in isolation.  Everything we do, say or believe affects everything else immediately.  When we behave in a positive, nurturing way it has an effect not only on the environment around us, but also on the many complex planes of the Universe, as was discussed in a previous article - "Universal Law of Divine Oneness".

El Morya continues his instruction :

Sleeping Giant

"We smile at the term "gods in exile", for it depicts the situation and frustration  that we perceive Humanity to be in today.  The physical, manifest world around is so strong that it keeps many in a state of unconsciousness.  This state of mind is likened to that of the sleeping giant, who, when cloaked in the sleep state, is quiet and subdued.  Awakened, the giant´s potential can come forth to achieve great things.  Magnificent deeds are destined to come forth from these sleeping giants in the Seventh Golden Age.  Those who awaken will usher in this new millennium for the Children of the Golden Dawn.

All Exists Simultaneously

The Law of Correspondence (Corresponding) is the law that holds the Oneness together.  As mentioned, its name is synonymous with the Golden Liquid Light.  Contained within this pulsating, vibrating field of endless energy is all that is and ever will be.  It is the etheric, or cosmic glue that holds everything together and connects the physical planes with the mental and spiritual ones.

Knowing that all exists simultaneously in each moment of time / space means that the Initiate has the power to affect any and all things in any moment of time.  The reasons why many have not accomplished this thus far on their journeys are because :

1)   They have not understood this law and consequently have not known that they could do so.
2)   Humanity´s will is weak.


The mind, connected with the Universal Mind of the All, is the key to change and to creation.  The strengthening of the mind comes from discipline and will power.  The strength of will comes from the heart.   Individuals have been distracted by the physical, manifest world, spending much of their time entertaining their five senses.  Focusing attention on the outside has contributed to their forgetting the power within.

Connecting The Mind

Going within allows the Initiate to connect the mind to other planes and dimensions of reality, for it is here that the soul connects with the All.  When this connection is made, all power is returned.  In the journey comes the awakening that all dimensional realities are connected.  It is the wisest of souls who learns how to access these other realms.

The physical plane vibrates at the lowest vibrational rate, while the plane of Spirit vibrates at the highest.  Within each plane are also subplanes of existence, but it is not necessary to describe that phenomenon here.  It is only significant to know."

Part One & Three --  Write title in search box, top left, and add "Part One" or "Part Three"

This article is from "The Light Shall Set You Free".


Our views and perceptions of the world are indeed changing.  No longer can we see ourselves as seperate, disconnected entities.  Instead, we are maturing into a species that must understand we are part of a whole, finely tuned ecosystem, each part connected to and affecting the other parts.

El Morya now explains this important principle :

Interdimensional Operations

"It is with great pleasure that I begin to explain the Law of Correspondence --  the law that eludes many Initiates interested in the path of Oneness.  This law, often referred to as the principle of "As above, so below;  as below so above", is the basis for undertanding the interdimensional operations of the Universe.  The aspirant who strives to increase his or her understanding of the Universal Laws must integrate the knowledge that all planes of existence exist simultaneously, and that, in this synchonicity, all is in motion.

Three Planes of Existence

In examining the Law of Correspondence, it is important to understand three planes of existence.  They are the physical, mental and spiritual planes.  These three planes comprise the basis for operations and govern the harmony and energy convergence of the soul wishing to bring Heaven on Earth.  While there are many interdimensional levels existing within these three planes, all vibrating at different rates, for the purposes of this lesson, it is important to focus only on the three major divisions just described.

Only Oneness

The term "correspondence" (corresponding) implies that all "things" existing within these planes of existence, whether seen or unseen, exist in harmony or agreement with the ALL.  There is only Oneness, and this idea is critical to absorb.  Just as individuals cannot step out of the Oneness, neither can any of the other elements found on these planes.  Significant to this understanding is that all are truly in harmony, one to another.

The Universal Mind

Even though human beings perceive themselves to be limited to what they see and experience, this does not mean that they are seperated from the larger picture or the macrocosm.  Key to understanding the Law of Correspondence is to know that agreements have been made in Universal Mind that all are in harmony with Divine Law.  This Universal Mind in the force field or Golden Liquid Light called the God Force.

Humans have been created and placed on Earth to learn this and become co-creators with this force field, which is the basis for creation.  If humans remain separate, never seeing this connection, they will pass out of embodiment in a separated state of existence.  If they open their minds to this knowledge and see the Universe in a different Light, by understanding that each individual IS PART OF THIS WONDROUS FORCE FIELD, then they are destined to move forward in time and become demigods."

Part Two follows....

This article is from "The Light Shall Set You Free".

Sunday, 14 April 2013


We must raise and change our vibrational frequencies because Earth and Humanity are ONE.  Therefore, the Law of Action is to be taken seriously.

The Master Morya continues his discourse :

Applying The Law

"Many wonder why there is still perceived pain and suffering in their environments.  If I may be so bold, I will diagnose this situation.  The reason individuals are not manifesting what they want, to the degree that they wish, is because they are not applying the Law of Action fully.  Their souls remember an existence in Atlantis and other such realities when they did not need this law, but their minds have forgotten that they are now ingrained in a third-dimensional reality.  If they apply more action to their dreams and focus their wills and emotions, all that they desire can come true.


Earth is now in the transition from the Third to the Fifth Dimension.  Individuals presently residing on Earth carry vibrations ranging throughout all these dimensions -- and even higher and lower ones.  Those who have changed their consciousness successfully to match that of the higher dimensions display few to no problems in manifesting all that their hearts desire.  Those whose vibrations match that of the Third Dimension (or lower) must understand that it takes action to move the electron to create what is in their dreams.

Vibrational Frequencies

Before Earth is positioned firmly in the Fifth Dimension, more years must pass.  It will, therefore, take individuals an equal amount of time to change their vibrational frequencies because Earth and humanity are One.  Because this is so, we advise that the Law of Action be taken seriously.  By applying this law, more individuals will become co-creators with God and can bring Heaven to Earth.  That is Humanity´s purpose for being.


The Law of Action means that an individual must engage in activities that support thoughts, dreams, emotions and words.  A commitment must be made first, however, for this step supports the basic principle of the Law of Action.  The commitment then is turned into a plan, and the plan then is supported by passion.  Lastly, tasks need to be completed, because the action on the physical plane forms the bonds that connect all aspects of the enrgies working toward manifestation.

Simply put:   thoughts, emotions, words and actions are the keys to God-realization.  But God-realization also means:   Raising the Light within, living a life connected to the Higher Self, putting into action that which you want from within, and applying discipline and will power are the factors that set up the God Force to work through you.  Become One with this Force and the will of God will become One with you.

But remember, of you yourself, you do nothing.  It is the Father/Mother within you that does it all.

Adonai dear ones, I AM El Morya".

This article is from "The Light Shall Set You Free".