Friday, 14 June 2013



Both Masculine and feminine energies are essential -- the masculine energy directs itself to the feminine energy, thereby initiating the creative process.  The feminine energy is the one doing the active creative work, and this is true on all planes of life.

The master teacher, El Morya, continues his instruction on this law :

Suppressing the Feminine

"Universes have been created when the feminine principle was unleashed, but they have been created only when this was ignited and balanced with the masculine principle.  For centuries on Earth, the feminine principle has been thwarted, making it difficult for eith men or women to exert their full human potential.  Cultures, societies, individuals, sexes and institutions all have participlated in suppressing the feminine principle.  As a result, creation has been stifled and destruction looms at every turn.  The aggression from the masculine principle has thrown all things out of balance, leaving the world to wander aimlessly until the power can be restored.

Seventh Golden Age

A Golden Age, the seventh, to be precise, has been predicted for the millennium, because the cosmic conditions are ripe for the feminine energy to be restored on the planet.  The Age of Aquarius has promised this.  Philosophers, astrologers and astronomers have known this since the beginning of time, for the Creator´s pen has so recorded this edict.  The Earth will venture into this new era and the balance will come forth, but first the balance must be realized within each individual.

Therefore, we offer the Law of Gender to you for contemplation.  Learn of this law, for it is the source of all your power.  It will teach you to become co-creators with God.  Learn to balance all thoughts, emotions, words and actions with the principles of positive and negative responses.  When you accomplish this, self-realization will be given.

The Higher Self

The Higher Self is androgynous and waits to unite with the lower eight bodies.  It cannot form the union, however, until the lower bodies are balanced with the yin and yang energies.  The balance actually accelerates the electron spin to a point of stillness necessary for the merger to take place.  Ascension does not occur until the union is perfect.

Therefore, I say unto you, hold the perfect stillness within, and balance the masculine and feminine principles in the soul.  Learn to listen to the higher guidance of your inner voice, and know that when you do so, all will be perfectly aligned.

Using Discipline

This concludes my message of the Law of Gender and seals the messages of twelve.  On behalf of the higher Councils of Light who sanction these words, I leave you with this volume of information to ponder.

Read each message (Universal Laws) with the masculine energy i the forefront of your minds and direct all initial implses to the intuitiive feminine nature.  Then, put the meaning of these messages into action through the creative process of the feminine energy.  When applying these laws, discipline the mind, heart and emotional bodies to follow the guidance of the Higher Self.  By living the laws, your souls will soar, for the Light these laws will bring will truly set you free.

Invite Assistance

In the months and years to come, I remain your humble servant.  Should you need help in understanding or applying the spirit of these laws, call for my assistance.  I shall not let you down.  I only wait to serve you in your quest for mastery.

Remember, the Ascended Realms cannot interfere or override humanity´s free will.  That is your gift from God.  Should you knock on the door of the Divine and invite our assistance, we will guiide and support your journey.  The angelic kingdom will also come, for that is their responsibility and duty to God.  Know this to be true.


Finally, remember that the Order of Melchizedek, of which I am a member, is your strength in the years to come.  We assist all who are sincere seekers of the Light and who wish to journey to higher dimensions of time / space while still embodied on the physical plane.  Ask and Ye shall receive our assistance, and know that you are protected in the Light of the Most Radiant One.

I now close this transmission with love and respect for all who read these words with their hearts.  Carry your intent to the higher dimensions and join your elder sisters and brothers who await to receive you in the chambers of the Most High.

Good Day in the Light of the Most Radiant One.  I AM El Morya."

(This article is from "The Light Shall Set You Free".)


Masculine and Feminine energies are found on all planes -- physical, mental and spiritual.  Gender refers to a division of labour or effort which is required for all creativity.

The Master El Morya´s message on the Law of Gender expands the concept :

"I come once again to deliver the final message.  Today I will speak on the Law of Gender.  In so doing, I shall impart the wisdom of the ages, for in the understanding of this law comes the union with the Divine.  I am delighted to begin, for there is so much to say.  Therefore, I, El Morya, shall commence with this discourse"  :

The Two Principles

"The Universe is made up of two active principles, yin and yang.  Some call these the positive and negative aspects of life,  while others refer to these as the polarization of the subparts.  Regardless of what term is used, these two principles are found in every subparticle in the Universe, and comprise the foundation for creation itself.

The Law of Gender is the expression of yin and yang, otherwise termed the feminine and masculine.  The law states that these two principles reside within all things, and it is through these principles that humanity is able to create.

A Creative Force

The Law of Gender is the creative force that runs from the inner into the outer world.  It is the force of the Gods and the power of the giants.  It creates life, even that which is born into the physical manifest world of "things", for both of the principles (yin / yang) must be present to build and to manifest in the third-dimensional reality, as well.

The receptive side of humanity´s nature is often called the negative side.  This is further termed the feminine or the yin.  This is the force that creates, spins ideas, and weaves the threads to make the tapestry into a work of art.

The positive or directive side of humanity´s nature is called the masculine or yang.  This force is directed toward the creative force of the feminine principle.  It is the originator of ideas and actions.  The masculine energy is attracted to the feminine principle, and when they unite, they form a union that assures that the creative process will be realized.

Natural Attraction

These two forces are present in everything that exists.  These forces are the great mystery of the Universe.  The natural attraction of the positive and the negative energies are everywhere, for there is consciousness even in the atom.  Remember that it has been stated earlier that God is thought.  Therefore, the chi or prana that exists everywhere has intelligence.  This intelligence, which has the power to create, is demonstrated in the Law of Gender.

It is important to understand this law if one wishes to advance, because mastery requires the person to command everything in the physical world.  This means that individuals will be guided and tested until they are expert at manifestation and creation.

Manifestation and Creation

Of the two, creation appears to be the easiest, but in reality it is not.  To truly create in the physical world, individuals must balance the yin and yang within to a point of stability.  This means that they must have mastered how to receive dreams and visions and also how to turn them into reality, by creating in the physical world.  When individuals are able to create and implement ideas, they position themselves in the field of Oneness.  Very few souls ever achieve this kind of command over nature or themselves.  This truth reveals another reason why so few ever become Masters.

When the Yin and Yang are balanced perfectly within the soul, the individual intuitively knows how and when to act appropriately in all situations.  The balance of the positive and negative or masculine and feminine principles within brings the person to a point of androgyny, the state of mental balance that aligns the individual with the Higher Self."

Part Two follows....

This article is from "The Light Shall Set You Free".

Thursday, 13 June 2013


Since the Law of Rhythm is inevitable, we can adapt in ways by using our knowledge.  We can plan new ventures at the times when things are moving to a positive side and we can remain positive to lessen or eliminate the effects of the negative.

El Morya continues his transmission on this law  :


Transmuting Energy

"Masters know that all is energy and that this precious life force is given to each to manage and use wisely for manifesting God´s plan on Earth.  Since energy can neither be created nor be destroyed, it must be transmuted.  The Law of Rhythm teaches a way in which to transmute energy and mange the extreme rhythms in life.

The key to transmuting the effects of the Law of Rhythm is through the strength of the will.  By applying one´s will to manage reactions towards events in life, the individual actually can learn to detach emotionally from all experiences.  Will power can be used to prevent the individual from getting too excited when events occur that serve only to steal the energy, under the guise of enthusiasm.  When highs are controlled, the swing of the pendulum will not be so extreme.  Therefore, for the polarized event that will come to the individual will be of a lesser negative quality, and will be easier to accept.

The Middle Path

To be successful at rising above the Law of Rhythm and detaching emotionally, the Initiate must learn to walk the middle of the path at all times.  This is the road to mastery.  Few have been able to accomplish this in the past, however, which is why there are so few who have ascended from the Earth plane.

Ticket To The Stars

The time is come for more to make this journey and move into their Light Bodies to sit at the right hand of the Father/Mother Creator.  Those who master the Law of Rhythm will surely be among those who will have seats reserved for this gathering.  This law seperates the Masters and the Initiates, the leaders from the followers.  It is the turning point toward Spirit and the step away from the material world of the Third Dimension.  Learn it well, Dear Children of the Command, for to understand it grants you your ticket to the stars.

Adonai, Oh Sisters and Brothers of the path.  In the name and radiance of the Most High, I AM El Morya."

Brief Summary

There are many rhythms in our lives that we cannot escape.  We can overcome the effects of negative rhythms by remaining positive and transmuting the effects of negative rhythms or cycles.

#   The Universe moves in cyclical fashion, with energy moving one way and then another.  This rhythm is found in all things and is known as the Law of Rhythm.

#   Individuals experience mood shifts and mental imbalance as the negative cycle or rhythm is experienced.

#   One can overcome the Law by mastering your mental and emotional states at all times.

#   The individual overcomes or transmutes negative cycles by walking the center of the road or remaining calm and centered.

#   It is our will power which allows us to master our mental and emotional states and to remain centered.

This article is from "The Light Shall Set You Free".


While everything vibrates and moves, and has two poles or opposites, everything vibrates at or responds to a certain rhythm.

The beloved Master and Teacher El Morya describes here the Law of Rhythm :

"On behalf of the Light within each person who reads this message, I greet you from the heart of Sananda.  It is I, El Morya, here to transmit the message on the Law of Rhythm."


"The Universe moves in a cyclicial fashion, with energy flowing one way and then the other.  This movement is defined as the rhythm  of the Universe, and this rhythm is found in all things.  It is called the Law of Rhythm.

The principles underlying this law are defined as the movements of the in-breath and the out-breath of God.  Life moves in cycles and is constantly renewing itself, first from the highs and then from the lows, next from within and then from without.  These rhythms connect the two extremes revealed in the Law of Polarity (see earlier article).  These rhythmic motions are what constitute the heartbeat and the pulse of life itself.

Order of Renewal

The Law of Rhythm basically states that all things move in a cycliical fashion, like the pendulum swinging first to the right and then to the left.  The tides flow in and the tides flow out;  the sun rises and the sun sets.  They rhythms constitute an order of renewal in the Universe that can be either disruptive or pleasant, depending upon how one wishes to perceive these rhythms.

Like the physical plane, the mental and spiritual planes also have rhythms.   Thus, individuals witness mood shifts and states of mental imbalance.  These periods constitute some of the most difficult times that people experience, for the extremes drain individuals of precious energy and serve to lessen the mastery they command over their own mental and emotional bodies.

The Pendulum Swings

For every high there shall be a low.  This is the Law of Rhythm.  This is the only law the individual cannot learn to control.  The only way in which one can command mastery over it is through mastering one´s own emotional and mental states at all times.  Doing so allows one to rise above this law.

Those who thoroughly enjoy life and are filled with excitement must also experience the extreme lows, for as the pendulum swings from the right and back to the left, the opposite event or experience must be brought to them.  Once the individual tires of the lows, the soul is open to learn new ways to govern specific behaviour patterns.  This begins the process which leads to the lessening of the extreme depressions that intrude on one´s life.  When the Initiate commands this state of mind and demonstrates the he or she is ready to receive instruction on another, "better", way to experience life, he or she then is introduced to the Law of Rhythm.

Escaping the Effects

The way in which one escapes from the effects of this law is to rise above it.  That means that the only escape is to control the mental and emotional bodies at all times and to govern the extreme mood shifts that interfere with one´s path.  The individual learns to walk the center of the road, never getting too excited or allowing negative things to penetrate his or her consciousness."

Part Two follows...

This article is from "The Light Shall Set You Free".

Monday, 10 June 2013


Opposites or polarities are two extremes of the same thing.  The difference is simply the degree to which we perceive either pole as being on the same continuum.

The Master El Morya continues his instruction on this law :

Foundation for Choosing

"The power of the Law of Polarity comes from understanding the knowledge that this law gives to the individual, which is the foundation for choosing other responses.  The Universe, through the Law of Cause and Effect, will return whatever behaviour is emitted from the source.  If a lower behaviour is sent, then the individual can expect events in his or her life to come around that will deliver a similar package of events or experiences.

A Continuum

Knowing that all reactions and emotions reside on a continuum aids the individual to achieve higher states of consciousness and to evolve.  Nature is set up for all to evolve.  That is the secret to life and to understanding the laws.  Humans are to continue to raise their vibrations through the power of thoughts, the mind, emotions and actions.  This is accomplished through choice.

Staying Balanced

The key to mastering the Law of Polarity lies in one´s ability to stay balanced, focused and detached from the world and things around.  Extreme reactions most assuredly bring returns that match the emotions and behaviours emitted.  Balance is the key to success.  Never forget this, and this Law shall come to serve you and raise your vibrations unto the Divine´s.

Thank you for this opportunity to deliver this message of power.  On behalf of the Council of Light from Lyra and the Tribunal Council of the Galactic Command, I bid you farewell for a brief moment in time.  Adonai,  I AM El Morya."

Brief Summary

This Law of Polarity expresses that we can change ourselves and even change others.  We maydo this in unconscious ways as we learn and experience new things or the same things in new ways, or we may use the law consciously to bring about change in ourselves and others.  Some of the key understandings of this law are as follows :

#   There are two poles, or opposites, to things or conditions found on the physical, mental and spiritual planes.

#   Polarity is the difference between the two extremes of one thing.

#   There are no absolutes of difference between the extremes or poles of any one thing; rather, there are degrees of difference.

#   When we choose to change, we can change our attitudes or behaviours on the continuum of extremes when we choose to do so.

#   We can change the behaviour of others by raising our vibrations.

#   Mastery of the Law of Polarity requires learning how to maintain balance, focus and detachment  from the distractions of the material world.

This article is from "The Light Shall Set You Free".


Polarity is the difference in dimension or direction, and it represents the two extremes of one thing.  In the physical world there is no summer without winter.  In the mental world there is no structure without freedom, and in the spiritual world there is no good without bad.  In each instance, both the poles have meaning.

El Morya describes here the Law of Polarity and the Celestial Hierarchy´s views of what the law does for humanity.

"Greetings, Oh Sisters and Brothers of the Stars.  I, El Morya, come forth today to transmit the message on the Law of Polarity.  I deliver these words as the Representative of the Council of Light from Lyra, and as the designated Ambassador for the Tribunal Council of the Galactic Command.  These Councils pay tribute to the Law of Polarity because it is through the operations of this law that their work is deemed successful."


"The Law of Polarity designates that everything has opposites and opposites are the same;  they only differ in degrees.  What is considered truth for one is the half truth for another.  In all things there exists duality, which comprises the nature of the Universe.

If opposites are really the same, then it is reasonable to conclude that love and hate are but two extremes of the same emotion residing on the same continuum.  The differences between these two reactions lie in the degree of emotion expressed.  The same holds true for concepts such as hot and cold or good and evil.  Where does love begin and hate stop?  Where does hot begin and cold stop?  The answer resides not in a point on the sale, ut in the degree of the mental and emotional attitude of the individual in any moment of time.


For the average student on the spiritual path, this law provides the power and keys for understanding transformation.  Since all things contain the principle of polarity within them, then all things can be changed.  The way things are changed is by directing the "charge" of energy along the continuum that resides between the two polarities.  It is that simple.  The power of the mind, which controls the emotions, is the key to understanding that ALL THINGS CAN BE CHANGED.  The first step in change is CHOOSING TO DO SO.

Three Planes of Existence

Humans possess eight etheric bodies and one physical body.  Four of these bodies are better understood, and, therefore, "used" more than the others.   These are the physical, mental, emotional and spiritual bodies.

In the Universe, there are three primary planes of existence :

1.   The physical, which is the lowest, densest plane of matter.
2.   The mental, which comprises the mental and emotional bodies.
3.   The spiritual, which includes the etheric and spiritual essences of the higher planes.

The physical plane includes the physical body, the mental plane includes the mental and emotional bodies, and the spiritual plane includes the higher etheric bodies and encompasses the soul and Higher Self.  Polarities exist on each of these planes of existence;  yet the polarities within everything that resides on each plane cannot be crossed between the planes.  That is because the vibrational frequencies residing within each of these planes are distinct unto themselves.

For example, one cannot turn love into cold, or heat into evil.  Therefore, each thing must be analyzed for its own essence and being.  Each reaction emitted then must be analyzed for the frequency that it contains, and a decision can be made to change the behaviour to either a higher or lower one.  This is possible, because all things reside on a continuum."

Part Two follows....

This article is from "The Light Shall Set You Free".

Sunday, 9 June 2013


The ways in which we view the world begin and end with our own minds and the meanings we choose.  As we move on our spiritual paths we are able to see the positive aspects of our experiences, even the difficult ones.

El Morya concludes his transmission  :

The Mind Controls

"The  Law of Relativity speaks to the fact that all things are known only through their relationship to the mind.  The mind controls how one feels, what one believes, and how one behaves.  It is a powerful tool -- and God´s gift to humanity.  But the mind can be too clever sometimes, especially if it becomes disconnected from the heart.  Too much analysis or reason sway one from seeing the higher truths.  When this occurs, the individual becomes attached to the letter of the law and not to the spirit of it.  This is what happened to many of the Pharisees of old.

Challenges Are Opportunities

The Law of Relativity brings clarity to the mind, for it cautions individuals not to compare current problems to former ones.  Instead, the law guides each soul to look at challenges as opportunities for advancement and learning.  Since each will be presented with Tests of Initiation, and everybody´s tests will be different, it becomes obvious that the journey in life is not about comparisons, but about mastering the lessons each has come to learn.

This Law is considered to be one of the more advanced laws.  The key to using this law effectively comes through the control of one´s mind.  When one learns to use the mind to focus only on the present situation, the soul is freed to pursue new and higher solutions for problem solving.

Key To Freedom

Learning to analyze each moment of time, staying connected with the heart, is the key to freedom.  The law essentially reveals that in every moment of one´s existence, the soul is provided with choices.  The ultimate goal is to choose that which is beneficial and good for advancement, thus creating a higher frequency within.

When one does not understand this law, great repercussions may develop because choices made, not connected to the heart, can bring heavy returns of Karma.  When people are pious and feel they are in a state of grace, they sometimes act righteously.  This is especially true of those who also have memorized the laws.  In this frame of mind, they can be compared to the Pharisees.

The Heart Center

Keep in mind, Oh Children of Earth, that the souls of the Pharisees are still caught in the wheel of rebirth.  The choices they made did not take into consideration the importance of the connection to the heart.  Make all choices from the heart center, and the wheel of rebirth will no longer chain you to the Third Dimension.  Let the Law of Relativity guide your understanding and set you free to pursue other forms of existence.

Come join us in the Fifth Dimension and higher.  We shall teach you the higher truths that you are seeking to learn.  All you need do is to assure that each choice you make is aligned with a higher frequency, and you shall quickly advance on the steps of the high Initiate.

May the Creator of All watch over your every footstep.  Go in peace.  I AM El Morya."

This article is from "The Light Shall Set You Free".


The Law of Relativity begins with our understanding that each of us is provided with problems or Tests of Initiation.  These tests are designed to assess where we are on our spiritual paths and what experiences we need to learn.

El Morya speaks to us  :

"I, El Morya, speak with the wisdom my soul commanded when I was Solomon centuries ago.  It is with great pleasure that I come forth today and transmit my understanding of this most important law."

Tests of Initiation

"This message on the Law of Relativity is protected in the Light of the Most Radiant One and transmitted with the vibration of the Highest.  It speaks of observation and choice, and teaches the importance of applying the Law of Vibration (see earlier article) to the choices each makes.

Inherent in understanding the Law of Relativity is an awareness of the Tests of Initiation, which are lessons that all must learn to become enlightened.  These tests determine how quickly the soul advances on the spiritual path, and how many times it must be reborn on the Earth plane for the purpose of making choices again.

The Pharisees

Although the Law of Relativity has been in existence as long as the Universe, it received its current name from the Pharisees of old.  The Pharisees I speak of were the ones who lived when the Age of Pisces was new.  These learned ones understood the importance of maintaining a higher standard of living while practicing spiritual laws.  Many who resided in Israel enjoyed the status of their positions and protected their ranks by citing the laws as the defense for their actions.  They spoke with precision, for they had memorized the laws, and their minds understood the impeccable application of these statutes in the world.

They were, however, remiss on one count.  Their hearts were not connected to the spirit of the laws.  An intellectual interpretation of the law often differs from the spiritual intent, which was usually the reason the law was created in the first place.  Unless a soul is sufficiently advanced to accept the spirit of the law, its meaning and intent often are lost in the winds of time.  The Law of Relativity is one of the laws that has been lost in the winds.

Options Are Given

Basically, the Law of Relativity assures that each soul will receive a series of tests (problems, if you will), designed for the purpose of strengthening the Light within.  As each soul is tested and provided with opportunities for advancement, options are given that guide the possible choices to be made.  These options allow the soul to use the understanding of the Law of Vibration for either advancement or regression.

Everything in life is relative, Oh Sisters and Brothers on the path.  All is the All.  There are no judgments regarding good or bad, better or worse.  Everything is relative, balanced within the mental and emotional state of the person in any given moment of time.  The reason one believes that things are better or worse is because the mind makes comparisons with people, things and events that are not relevant, and applies these comparisons to the present situation.

Comparisons Are Frequent

Each event in one´s life stands alone and should not be compard with other things.  That is because each event has its own vibrational frequency, with unique lessons to learn, and should be analyzed from the perspective of "What is it I am to learn from this situation?"  Instead of approaching life from this perspective, individuals frequently choose to compare their lives and situaions with those of others, and it is through these comparisons that they often become depressed, believing that others are more blessed than they are."

Part Two  --  Write title in search box, top left, and add "Part Two".

This article is from "The Light Shall Set You Free".