Apart from all those secret contacts with the U.S.Government, there have also been many thousands of unofficial reported "Flying-Saucer" or UFO sightings as well as quite a few direct contacts made to individuals. Although they became well-known to limited circles of Earth's "Lightworkers", they have nevertheless always been totally ignored by the mainstream Media through behind-the-scenes Secret Government control.
However, one of the first major "Contactees" was George Adamski, who wrote several books in the mid 1950s detailing his physical contacts with Venusian, Saturnian and Martian Space visitors and of his journeys up in their Scout-ships to their large Motherships overhead. In his second book "Inside the Space Ships", he describes in fascinating detail the interiors of these Motherships and his many conversations with their Commanders and other onboard personnel.
A few years later, Dino Kraspedon, a Brazilian, also published a book describing his unexpected meeting with the Captain of a large Flying Saucer Scout, who gave him much useful scientific information about space travel and their methods of propulsion. Among other things, the Captain explained how they can move at enormous speeds through our atmosphere by creating a vacuum around the Scouts by ionizing the air surrounding the craft to prevent atmospheric friction. He was also one of the first to give us information on the approaching "Earth Changes". (For extended excerpts from "My Contact with Flying Saucers" by Dino Kraspedon and the George Adamski books, see the Links at the end of this Book II)
Over more than 20 years there have been a growing number of Channeled E.T. Messages published in various books and specialist magazines, particularly those coming from the Galactic Federation (see the "Updates Archives" at the end of Book II).
Another extraterrestrial phenomenon that has become well-known during the last twenty years have been the thousands of perfectly formed "Crop Circles" which mysteriously appear overnight in fields of cereal crops, especially so in Britain, giving us many beautiful and highly complex patterns. Photographs of them have been well documented in various books and on the Internet. Likewise, there are also the many photographs on the Internet and books of "flying saucers" or Scoutships. These are ones that the Space Visitors have permitted us to see through lowering their higher vibration rates down to our 3D level. There are thousands of huge Motherships stationed invisibly overhead, many of them over hundreds of miles in diameter, and as they mostly operate on the 4th and 5th Dimensional vibrational levels which is invisible to our 3D physical sight.
Although our Space Visitors have up to now been limited to few Earth contacts, they promise that they will soon be making their first major appearance as part of a "First Contact" Mission, once Earth's major Governments have made their long awaited "Disclosure" announcement of the existence of Extraterrestrials. This "First Contact Event" will probably be made through providing a mass sighting of their spacecraft over several of Earth's major cities. They would then follow this up with a series of actual Earth landings in order to give us detailed information about themselves and to provide us with various useful technologies, such as the use of "Free Energy".
However, they have in the meantime made contact with over 160 Earth Governments requesting them to make a full "Disclosure" announcement before they will make an appearance. Of course the various Governments have "dragged their heels", as they not only fear the loss of their power to rule over their citizens, but even more so from the dire effects of any revelations of their past massive cover up of E.T. and UFO contacts.
Fortunately, at least a few Governments, under considerable public pressure, are beginning to open up some of their Secret UFO files to the general public. The French Government has recently promised to now open some of its secret UFO files to researchers, as well as the British Government, who announced in March 2008 they will start making its UFO documents available through the Ministry of Defense, and which would feature hundreds of documented UFO sightings gathered over the previous 10 year period across the UK.
On the 12th of February 2008 the United Nations convened a secret gathering at the United Nations Headquarters in New York with Delegates of some of the Members of 28 major Countries to discuss the increasing and unprecedented numbers of UFO sightings during 2007 and 2008. Security around the meeting was intense: everyone was searched at the entrance; pens, pins, key chain items were collected and even Member's UN Security Cards were temporarily taken into custody. This meeting was attended by over 40 Representatives of the 28 Member Countries. A document from the Galactic Federation was circulated in the meeting in which a request was made that all the countries represented should make a full disclosure of their knowledge of the existence of Extraterrestrials.
The Galactic Federation were offering to provide in return such useful technologies as new forms of "Free Energy". A debate then followed amongst the Delegates on how the UN might respond to this offer, if at all - we presume the answer was indeed negative. A similar document was later sent by the Galactic Federation directly to the relevant Ministries of all the attending 28 Member States.
Ever since World War II, the Galactic Federation of Light has been trying to give a warning to our major Governments, as well as to Earth's Scientific Community, on the extreme dangers of developing nuclear weapons. They also expressed an especial concern about our developing the Hydrogen Bomb and they informed us that Hydrogen is a basic "living" element permeating all our surrounding Ether. A large scale use of Hydrogen bombs could set off a massive chain-reaction conflagration throughout the Ethers of Space in addition to destroying our Planet. In fact the Galactic Federation has been forced to intervene countless times to disrupt our setting off nuclear devices in particularly dangerous situations. This they can do by simply neutralizing them at their point of use.
Another important part of their mission was to alert us of the impending "Earth Changes" as part of the ending of a Major Universal Age. They have told us that the present ending of the two-hundred million year-long Grand Universal Age, is a time when all our Universes, Galaxies and Solar Systems must collectively move up a step to higher dimensional planes.
This also coincides with our own Solar Ring and Milky Way Galaxy having just completed a long 26,000 years orbit around the Great Central Sun of the Universe, as well as the Zodiacal ending of Earth's 2000 year-long Piscean Age. The Piscean Age commenced around the time of the Birth of Christ, and ends on the 21st of December 2012 (as foretold in the ancient Mayan Calendar). That will then be the start of the new "Aquarian Age", having long been prophesied as bringing in a "Golden Age of Peace" on Earth.
(Article from "The Earth Changes -- Book 2.)