Friday, 22 March 2013


We need only take the time to ask the Celestial World for help.... "Ask and it shall be given" must become a reality in our lives.

Here El Morya speaks of the importance of the Law of Action in our Third Dimension :

I greet you with the love of the Christos and the wisdom of the Buddha.  I, El Morya, am pleased to bring to you the knowledge and understanding of how to apply the Universal Laws in the Third, Fourth and Fifth Dimensions.  Application of these laws is possible through the Law of Action.

Higher and Lower Dimensions

In higher dimensions of time / space, such as the realms in the Fifth Dimension and higher, manifestation comes from thought and the expression of love emanating from within.  In dimensions below the Fifth Dimension, such as the Third Dimension, in order for manifestation to occur, thoughts must be accompanied by action.  That is because the Third Dimension is a three-dimensional existence and accompanies the physical world.


Things that reside in the Third Dimension on Earth are all solid, liquid or gas, even though the foundation for all has its origin in the etheric.  DENSITY COMPRISES EXISTENCE ON EARTH.  It is important to remember this concept when living in a third dimensional reality.  The reason this is so is because third-dimensional forms need a greater force to assist them to reposition the electron into other existences.  It is because of density that the Law of Action must be applied for manifestation to be realized more easily on the Earth plane.

A Changed Consciousness

An understanding of the Law of Vibration (see earlier article), and the principles that underlie this law provide the way for humans to raise themselves out of a third-dimensional reality into higher ones.  Thoughts and changed consciousness are the keys to a successful transformation.  As consciousness is raised, an individual slowly begins to change his or her vibrational rate, transforming from the Third Dimension and moving eventually into the Fifth.

As one´s vibrational rate increases, the auric fields begin to align wih the White Light.  The greater the Light held within consciousness, the greater the power the person has to manifest things solely with the power of mind, accompanied by love.  Before the vibrational frequency is raised to a high enough level, however, one must apply the Law of Action in order to manifest all that one wishes to create.

Many Souls Remember

The reality today is that many souls remember the time when they could just "think things into action".  They remember when life was not difficult and when their days were filled with pleasure, discipline and dedication -- to self and group advancement.  The world is different now, and many get confused because they are not living the lives of harmony, peace, contentment and abundance that they know are possible.  They have not realized this higher existence yet because their thoughts are not strong enough and the Light within them is not great enough to sustain a higher existence.  Many wonder why there is still perceived pain and suffering in their environments.

Part Two Follows....

This article is from "The Light Shall Set You Free".

Tuesday, 19 March 2013


Everything moves, everything vibrates, and once an individual moves to a higher level of vibration, that which was experienced on a lower level is never experienced again.

El Morya continues....


Assimilating Higher Frequencies

In understanding and using the Law of Vibration, the aspirant learns to integrate the higher Light frequencies of Spirit into consciousness and the lower eight bodies, thus effecting transformation.  Assimilating the higher frequencies into lower dense matter, through the direction and will of the mind and heart, allows the individual to raise his or her own vibratory patterns.  This increased Light reveals itself in the aura around.

The God Force

The wise, old ancients knew that the greatest power resides in the Light.  They understood the Law of Vibration.  They understood the ultimate strength of the lightning bolt and how Light energy stands at the point of creation.  They also perceived the deeper construct of the etheric field that comprises the God Force and saw how this energy field resides within each individual, although it is unrealised in most.

Simply put, the ancients knew that HIGHER VIBRATIONS CONSUME AND TRANSFORM LOWER VIBRATIONS.  Thus, the concept "love conquers all" reveals one of the greatest mysteries of creation.  The more Light one assimilates into the body, mind and Spirit, the faster the acceleration, enabling one to control life and manifest the perfect reality all around.

Heaven on Earth

OUT OF LIGHT, ALL IS CREATED.  All individuals who are experiencing an accelerated path to become One with the Higher Self shall instantly grasp the notion that when the Law of Vibration is understood fully, they will be able to apply this law and manifest a Heaven on Earth.  When this moment is realised, the prophecy shall be fulfulled.

Since everything is on a continuum, the mission, then, is to move from the plane of dense matter and duality up to the plane of Oneness.  This is accomplished by understanding those experiences and forms that have caused discomfort, pain and sadness and replacing them with higher thoughts and experiences of love, joy and peace.

Opportunities to Learn

All that is experienced in life is nothing more than events designed within the Law of Vibration to provide Initiates opportunites to learn of the Law of Vibration and to choose to remain on that level, digress to a lower level, or aspire to a higher one.  Once an individual moves to a higher level, that which was experienced on the lower level is never experienced again as a test of learning.

The higher vibrational level assimilated within the nine bodies (by the choice the individual made) serves to consume and transform the lower vibratory frequency.  Consequently, since each thought, event, action and emotion is assigned its own unique vibrational frequency, all that is of a lower nature is slowly "burned off".  This phenonmenon serves to continue to purify all of the lower nature within the subtle bodies and rests at the heart of purification.

Walk The Middle Road

All Initiates must learn the importance of purification, which only can be realised through the mind and heart connection.  Purification also comes from the understanding that emotion is the cosmic glue, and that what is willed with strong emotion will be created.  This is so.

Therefore, when one experiences the higher and lower natures at battle, it is important, on the road to mastery, to acknowledge BOTH sides of the duality and walk the middle of the road.  In the Oneness, ALL must be addressed and understood -- nothing can be omitted.  The key to transformation, then, is not to attach any emotion to the lower vibratory patterns, but only to feel the strength of the love and higher energies.  Once this is accomplished, the individual will move quickly through the experience, enabling manifestation of the higher kingdom of Light and love to be realised more quickly.

For now, this brief explanation shall suffice.  Use it as a tool to carry the torch in the soul to the Higher Self.

I AM El Morya.  Adonai.

This article is from "The Light Shall Set You Free".


Everything in the Universe is in motion, and objects and entities vibrate on a continuum.

El Morya Speaks :

Namastè, my Sisters and Brothers of the Universe.  I AM El Morya, Master in charge of describing the nature of the Universe.  Through understanding Cosmic Laws, human consciousness will move to a state of enlightenment never experienced before on Earth.

A Law of Power

The Law of Vibration is known by the ancients to be the law of power.  Understanding the context and application of this law allows each aspirant to move closer to his or her destiny and carry the torch within to the higher mode of Spirit.  This knowledge also assists all to understand the conflicts experienced on the dualistic plane of matter and enables the souls to use the principles contained within the law to balance and control individual lives.

The Mind of Oneness

In the mind of Oneness, everything is in motion.  Energy exists in all forms in the Golden Liquid Light.  This pool of energy that permeates all universes is never at rest and serves to carry the smallest particles of energy into various states of action, thus causing effects to be felt constantly.

Inherent within this understanding is the fact that everything vibrates within the universes to various degrees that lie on a continuum.  To say it in a way easier to understand:  there are degrees of motion experienced within the Earth plane that lie on a continuum that spans from physical manifestations of the most dense matter to the higher existence of Spirit.  Matter, energy, thought and Spirit form the continuum of this range of vibration experienced by all.  Yet, regardless of the variations of the vibrations, all is absorbed and contained within the Universal Mind of Oneness.

Everything is Connected

Everything is connected through the Divine Mind of Oneness.  All is seen as the absolute, although each item tends to carry its own identification and appears to be seperate.  In the nature of higher realities, everything experienced is part of the Oneness, and the individualistic vibrational pattern (or frequency) of each item determines its position of influence and strength.

All is Energy

The Law of Vibration reveals that higher powers, and higher consciousness and understanding, reside on the end of the continuum that comprises the highest vibrations of Spirit.  Spirit is associated with such terms as pure Light, the Merkabah, Love, and God Consciousness.  Physical dense matter is defined as that which one experiences with the five senses.  Physical dense matter also represents the human body (the vehicle that carries the soul).  It is also defined as the lower, heavier and more subtle vibrations, such as the energies experienced in the heart and mind that cause mental pain and anger.

Since all is energy, it is easy to understand how all objects and actions impact the total human being, which is composed of nine subtle bodies.  Body (the physical body), mind (the mental body), and Spirit are affected most by the Law of Vibration; yet the influence of the ALL is present in everything that we are.

Part Two Follows...

This article is from "The Light Shall Set You Free".

Thursday, 14 March 2013


Remember you are one with the Force.  You are the spark of Divine Creation, come to Earth to be the co-creators with God.  Remember Oneness!!


Continuing the Message and Instruction from Lady Master Pallas Athena :



Once an individual resonates to the frequency of Divine Oneness, the mind connects with symbols and patterns that reside in this force field.  These, in turn, enable the mind to use this connection for creation and manifestation.  The key to accessing this "power" lies in the person´s ability to remain totally calm, balanced and at peace during all situations.

Mind, body, Spirit and Earth are all interconnected within the Golden Liquid Light.  They are all one, yet each affects the other in subtle ways.  Humans moving into the Fifth Dimension must understand this concept, and also understand the subtlety of the mental body´s and mind´s influences on the creative process.  This is especially true for scientists.  If this is not understood, evolution will be stalled and chaos will result, causing pain to those moving through this portal of time/space.

Magnetic Flux

A magnetic flux exists in the Universe which will be expereinced more fully when Earth is integrated into the Fifth Dimension.  It is sensitive and fluctuates easily through the stimulus-response patterns being emitted constantly by various energy sources.  For example, whenever there is a disruption in the force field, a momentary disturbance is created in the magnetic resonance patterns around individuals.

The cycles of the moon and the subsequent effects on human behaviour illustrate this point.  When such disturbances occur, information received by individuals is disrupted, and the mathematical symbols are disturbed.  This causes "inaccurate" information to be received and assembled within the mind.

Accurate or Inaccurate

I placed the word inaccurate in quotation marks to make a point.  In reality, no information received is inaccurate, because all information is received as a result of the magnetic patterns that form around an individual.  Students of Universal Laws know this to be true and recognise that this statement is in reference to the Law of Attraction.

By using quotations, I emphasize that information exists that is more stable and conducive to the growth of the individual´s nine bodies, and that this greater wisdom can be accessed through higher vibrational patterns within the Divine Mind.  When an individual is calmer and more stable, his or her ability to receive higher forms of information with fewer distortions is increased.  Therefore, information received under these conditions is deemed to be more "accurate".

Phases of Development

Another way to assist one´s understanding is to provide another explanation.  Accurate also can be defined in terms of information received through stages of the evolutionary development of the soul.  What is understood and accepted as truth and accurate in one phase of development is discarded later as the person evolves into higher fields of understanding.  Thus, this explains how science has evolved throughout the centuries.  As wisdom and knowledge expand and become stabilised, concepts are received at higher levels of understanding and development.  This, then, changes the face of truth.

Awaken, my dear Sisters and Brothers of the Stars!  Feel this life force connection and integrate it into your existence through the stillness of the mind.  Connect with it to become one with its power.  If you can achieve this state of Oneness, you shall slowly become "enlightened", which will begin your journey to freedom.

In Conclusion

Remember you are one with this Force.  You are the spark of Divine Creation, come to Earth to be co-creators with God.  Remember Oneness!  All is mind.  All is thought.  All is All.

In the Universal Mind of Oneness, I, Pallas Athena, born out of the mind of Zeus, conclude this discourse.  So Be It!

A Brief Summary

Everything in the Universe is connected in a force field of Oneness.  All is mind.  All is consciousness.  All is God.  Since we exist within this field, we are ONE with it.  Therefore, our thoughts, feelings, words and actions are powerful forms of energy.

This article is from "The Light Shall Set You Free".


Spirit is the essence of consciousness, the energy of the Universe that creates all things.  Each one of us is a part of that Spirit -- a Divine entity.   Spirit is the Higher Self, the eternal being that lives within us.  




The Mind Creates

Our thoughts, our visualisations and the language by which we express our thoughts are some of the most powerful tools we have for spiritual growth.  Just as God, or the ALL, creates with mind, so do we as human beings.  Thoughts create, and constitute the basis for all there is because thoughts are vibrations before they become thoughts.  We then express them as the energies of words, emotions and actions.  In this way we interact with the world and carry out our life activities.

Everything is Connected

The Law of Divine Oneness helps us understand that we live in a world where everything is connected to everything else.  Everything we do, say, think and believe affects others and the Universe around us.  As we grow spiritually, we learn how to transmute negative thoughts, worlds, emotions and actions into positive ones.  Thus, we not only manifest a better environment for ourselves, but we also help create a world that is consistent with the One.

Lady Master Athena

To assist us now on this journey, Lady Master Athena explains the Divine Concept of Oneness in the following way  :

Greetings to all Aspirants who wish to become self-realised in the Light....

I, Athena, am pleased to be selected to work with Master El Morya to deliver the ancient wisdom of Hermes Trismegistus, better known to the Egyptians as Thoth, on the universal principle of the Divine Concept of Oneness.  I fulfill this assignment with my heart connected to the Great Central Sun which provides me with the connection to the Divine.  It is this lifeline, through the Higher Self, that shall bring forth the highest frequency of information to the reader of these words.

To the students of this lesson, one directive is given.  Feel the message with the heart center, rather than receive the words in the mind.  Absorb the Light that comes with the message, and in so doing, you shall begin the journey of becoming self-realised in the Light.

It is now time to allow the information to flow from the mind of the Creator...

Universal Mind

The Divine Concept of Oneness is the Universal Mind.  It is the realisation that ALL IS MIND and the Universe exists within this field of pure energy and Light.  All is consciousness -- the planets, the suns, the animals, the plants, the minerals and all beings of multidimensional forms who grace the Creator´s kingdoms.  Nothing escapes this principle, for all is composed of the same substance at the sub-atomic level.

Sub-atomic Level

It is here, at the sub-atomic level, where the Oneness Concept sustains the life force within, and it is also at this level where higher consciousness is realised, for all is mind energy in the Universes and all is information which can be reduced mathematically.

This field of mind energy is sometimes referred to as the Golden Liquid Light, or otherwise known as prana, chi, or life force energy.  This field is accessed by individuals by silencing the active mind.  This state reduces the number of electromagnetic signals emitted by higher mental actions.  Silence allows the nine bodies to align with the perfect code that locks the individual into this force field.

Part Two  ---  Write the title in search box, top left, and add "Part Two".

This article is from "The Light Shall Set You Free".

Wednesday, 13 March 2013


The key to understanding a higher consciousness is actually to strive to be one with it.



Certain Rules

In the etheric dimension, one behaves at one with the All.  In order to do so, the soul must follow certain rules.  These rules are the Universal Laws.  The laws, Master Kuthumi says, were provided to Earth by many known as ancient Masters, one of whom was Hermes Trismegistus, the "ancient of ancients".

It was the Egyptians, he said, who later understood these laws and used the power that this existence of at-one-ment provided to them.  That is why they built such a great civilization.  When one is in harmony with the Universal Laws, then all things can be created and manifested, for the beings who incarnate are truly co-creators with the All.  In this state of balance and perfection come the application of ancient mystery school teachings and the keys to eternal salvation.

Mental Discipline

The key to understanding a higher consciousness is actually to strive to be one with it.  When the rules and and laws are followed with mastery and discipline, then all else follows in harmony.  In order to become one with one´s own divinity, however, one must have the mental discipline and intellect to understand it.

Understanding The Mind

Central to understanding and employing knowledge about the Universal Laws is the understanding of how the human mind works, for the mind holds the keys to transformation.  Since scientists are only now beginning to map the paths of intelligence, memory, and consciousness, Kuthumi was asked to explain his viewpoint on the nature of intellect to us so that we would be better equipped to understand the information that was being transmitted.

He responded in a way that at first appeared to evade the question, but then proved in the end to be very powerful.  As usual, he does not provide a textbook explanation.  His explanations provoke one to think, and employ abstract concepts, analogies, and truths that are greater than what one would be accustomed to hearing.  The transmission he has given is to be found on my other website under the title of "The Nature of Intellect" (tagged under "Intellect") -


To learn more about these Universal Laws I would highly recommend that you purchase the book titled "The Light Shall Set You Free" by Dr. Norma Milanovich and Dr. Shirley McCune.  The book is a truly marvellous instruction and invaluable source of information.

This article is from "The Light Shall Set You Free".

Tuesday, 12 March 2013


Since humans contain a consciousness that can be controlled, and since consciousness is thought, then each individual is actually a co-creator with the Divine.



This is the lesson we have journeyed to Earth to discover.  This is the reason for life and for our incarnation in this lifetime.  Few will find the answers to these mysteries, for an individual has to experience enlightenment to be able to grasp this truth.  Most will scorn this principle, for to accept it demands accountability for our actions.  Not many are ready to accept this kind of responsibilty.  Most, in fact, will try to provide explanations contrary to these facts.  Therefore, few are ready for the transformation that is destined to consume the Earth over the next several years.

A Phenomenal Shift

The leap of consciousness into the Fifth Dimension of time/space, this remarkable phenomenon, will consume all that has existed before.  Some will not recognise their abilities as they are today, but will actually take on a higher form of what is closer to what our Arcturian friends described as the Adam Kadmon species, which is a highly evolved group of beings with abilities not presently understood on Earth.

The world will be in the at-one-ment with the Creator.  The planet will understand the harmony and peace for which it has yearned for many centuries.  The beginning of the millennium will test many who are in doubt today, and provide each with the exact tests they will need to overcome their fears and doubts regarding this transition.

Destined to Change

Since the human form is destined to change (precisely how is not quite clear as yet), new rules and guidance must be written that will contain the information to help each soul evolve to this new state of consciousness.  Much will be transmitted over the next decades, but only the souls who are ready to receive the new curriculum will elect to raise their vibrations to match those required to enter the New Age.

The word VIBRATION is the key.  All humans who will journey on to this new world in the Fifth Dimension of time/space must have a vibrational frequency, earned through raised consciousness, that will match the vibration frequency of the New Age.  This phenomenon is absolute and will be measured by individuals´ abilities to be open-minded, loving, centered, tranquil, peaceful and devoted.

Higher Consciousness

Since these characteristics are more closely aligned with the higher states of consciousness, these individuals are defined by the Masters as being more godlike.  These individuals will command the vibrational frequency closer to the speed of Light which will be in alignment with the Age of Aquarius.

The Master Kuthumi described this whole phenomenon as a scientific one.  He stated that our physicists were already beginning to make connections among these principles and concepts and soon would be able to document the concept of Oneness which is a part of the millennium that we now have entered.

Since we are entering the home (or perhaps DIMENSION is a better word) of higher level beings, they are our teachers.  Soon, they have said, we will have an entirely new curriculum that we must master, and the souls who journey into the higher realms will have to understand and master this curriculum which includes the Universal Laws.

Part Three follows...

This article is from "The Light Shall Set You Free".

Monday, 11 March 2013


Nothing we ever imagined is beyond our powers, only beyond our present self-knowledge. (Theodore Roszak).



The Birthing Process

The transformation into the New Age was described once, by the Arcturians, as the birthing of a planet (Earth) into a star in the Heavens.  They said that it has been written since Babylon that the Earth would journey into the Age of Aquarius and become a Garden of Eden in the Universe.  They also explained that this event was happening because of the precession of the equinoxes, and that Earth´s position in this universal parade of stars was guided by forces higher than we can imagine.

Transformation certainly intrigues us because these messages implied a total change, for both humans and the Earth itself.  The Masters Kuthumi, El Morya, and Sananda made this clear on many occasions.  They spoke of the mysteries, keys and codes that unlocked the answers to these changes.

A Journey

Transformation, says Kuthumi, is a journey that the human race has taken since the beginning of time.  Therefore, in order to understand transformation we have to research the ancient truths from the beginning of recorded history.  Records and old libraries, such as the library of Alexandria, contained much of the world´s wisdom, but through the actions of unenlightened souls these treasures and gifts were destroyed.  That which was not destroyed will be rediscovered in this period, for the time is right for bringing these truths to the world once again.  Much of this ancient knowledge will come forth in the very same manner as this article.

The Masters

The Masters appear to be members of a group that oversees the entire plan of operations -- at least for this section of the Universe.  Emphatically, they state that they work for God.  They are here to assure that all details of this plan run on schedule.  Throughout history, when the time was right, they have communicated with souls.  They even cite Noah´s being notified of the upcoming flood or John the Baptist´s foretelling the coming Jesus as examples.  These historical figures received their messages in the same way that many are receiving this kind of information today.

Defining Consciousness

Kuthumi explains that transformation takes quantum leaps around the turn of each millennium, but the effects are even more noticeable when each New Age begins.  The vibrational frequencies automatically change with the precession of the planets and stars, and in this scientific motion, consciousness also adjusts.

These Masters define consciousness as the foundation for all there is, for they say that God is thought and out of thought came Light, from which all things are manifested.  They also say that the world is a microcosm of the Universe which is our macrocosm.  They say that all is energy and that energy is Light.

Light Energy

Out of this Light energy came sound energy in the original creation.  And out of Light and sound comes the formation of all that is.  Each object, whether solid, liquid, or gas, has its own code, which is a vibratory frequency.  This vibration is created out of Light.  Since humans contain a consciousness that can be controlled, and since consciousness is thought, then each individual is actually a co-creator with the Divine.

Part Two follows....

This article is from "The Light Shall Set You Free".