Thursday, 30 May 2013


What we do not realize is that we can change the conditions of our lives.  It is our ability to use this Law that gives meaning to the concept of free WILL.  We have the power to choose the directions of our lives.

Master Morya now concludes his transmission on the application of this law :


The Master Alchemist

"The highest frequency one can see is the colour violet.  St. Germain is the ruler of the violet ray because he is the master alchemist.  In his role as Merlin, he came to Earth and brought the alchemist´s magic to assist in transforming the energies of seperateness into those of balance.  He was the metaphysical king, whilst I, Arthur, was the physical king.  Together we reigned with the vision, balance, insight, will and courage that it took to re-energize England and prepare her to assume the vibrational frequencies that are destined to balance the world.  We did so through application of the Law of Perpetual Transmutation of Energy.

The Colour Violet

Violet is the favourite colour of alchemists, and Merlin knew of its power.  Since this colour holds the highest vibrational frequency seen with the naked eye, it has the power to change all the frequencies that reside below it.  Violet is the last colour of the rainbow, before it turns to ultraviolet and then is reflected in the Light.  It therefore holds the highest coding of symbols, and can be used to change surrounding conditions.

Visualize this frequency daily and surround any condition in your life that is discordant with this colour.  See the condition change from a disharmonious one to one of peace and delight.  Hold this vision with the strength of the will, always from the perspective from the Higher Self, and great miracles will begin to occur.


The key to its effective use is the Higher Self.  Recognize this and all power shall be granted to you.  The lower bodies have no power on their own;  it is only the Light from the Higher Self that understands how to use this precious energy.

If one visualizes this frequency, consuming and transforming all lower, negative energies, the vibrations will change, first within the mind and then in the emotional body.  The reason this is so is that negative entities cannot stay within this higher frequency for long.  The strength of the will and the length of time this frequency is used will dictate how long it will take to clear a situation.  When using this law, always remember the importance of the breath, for it is the breath that helps one command the emotional body.

The Light

Light is a higher frequency than violet.  The white Light is the shield of protection.  Visualize the Light within and around you at all times, and it shall strengthen your will.  With a stronger will, the soul´s ability to manifest and transform events becomes more precise.

The Light also aligns the chakras with the Higher Self, thus providing the connection to the Great Central Sun, and the Source of all there is.  The Light strengthens one´s faith, hope and charitable nature, as well.

The Third Vibration

The third vibration that is important to know when using this law is PINK.  Pink is the colour of self-love and resonates on the level of the soul.  Surround others with this frequency and their attitudes will soften.  Hold them in the soft glow of this field and watch their frowns slowly turn to smiles.  The power of this frequency cannot be underestimated, for it generates much love throughout the Universe.

Be Strong

The effects of this law are seen primarily when one meditates in silence and applies the principles to situations and events in life.  Therefore, I invite all who wish to change the conditions around them to join with St. Germain in the stillness of the hearts and ask for guidance on its use.  He shall assist all to become the magicians of the new millennium, but demands that the wills be strong.

Journey with Merlin once again, Dear Children of the Heart, and learn of the magic of the ancients.

I close this transmission with a song in my heart and look forward to your accomplishments as you create a beautiful world for your children.

I AM El Morya.  So Be It!  So It Is!"

This article is from "The Light Shall Set You Free"


Good thoughts will always produce good actions and likewise, bad thoughts will produce bad actions.  Hatred does not cease by hatred at any time;  hatred ceases only by love.  (Buddha).




Positive or Negative Energies

Just as energy is changed in the material world, it also is being changed continually in our lives.  The manifestations of our energy are found in our thoughts, our belief systems, our speech and our actions.  Each of us has some control over the ways we use these behaviours to send positive or negative energies to others or to maintain positive or negative thoughtforms in our own lives.  The process of sending out thoughts to others is known as transmutation of thought.

Master El Morya explains this law and how it applies to our lives in the following way :

"Greetings, Oh Children of the Divine.  Once again it is I, El Morya, responding to the request to explain this next law.  I transmit this next message with total love in my heart, and know that because I do so, the words will be received within the heart centers of all who reside on that same frequency."

Changing Conditions

"Today I will address the Law of Perpetual Transmutation of Energy.  This is one of my favourite laws, for its application expresses the magic to be found in the Christos.  Once understood, this law provides the answers many have yearned to know regarding how to change conditions in one´s life from the point of stillness within.

So what does this mean in common terms?  It means that all persons have within them the power to change all conditions in their lives, just by understanding how to use one Universal Law against another to facilitate the change.  Simply put, since higher vibrations consume and transform lower ones, each person can become an alchemist of the heart, if he or she chooses to do so.

Everything Is Interrelated

Since all is energy and everything is contained in Oneness, it is reasonable to conclude that everything is interrelated and affects everything else.  But if this is truly the case, then one might suppose that all would continually be absorbed in the Light, and love and Light would reign on Earth.  Looking around, the casual observer can see that this does not happen.  So how, then, does this law work??

It works with the WILL, Dear Children of the Divine.  It works when one chooses to transform the darkness into Light and when one has a desire to change surrounding conditions into a higher form of existence.  This law is also a one-directional law;  therefore, it is the key to  one´s harmony, peace and love.  Since higher vibrations only consume and change the lower vibrations, it is not possible to reverse the effects of this law.  Lower forces, consumed by negativity, cannot apply this law to lower the frequencies of higher vibrations, for its effects cannot be reversed.  It is law.

Applying Higher Frequencies

It is with great pleasure, then, that I offer this law to the Children of Light of the world to use as their weapon to embrace the darkness and bring it into the Light.  There is no other law like this one, for its applications has the power to raise Earth´s vibrations into the Christos energy, carrying it speedily into the Fifth Dimension.

One uses this law by forgiving others, loving others, seeing in others the differences as well as the similarities, and applying higher frequencies to situations in life that are considered to be discordant." 

Part Two follows....

This article is from "The Light Shall Set You Free".

Wednesday, 22 May 2013


Our level of vibration determines our Tests of Initiation, for the Higher Self is expected to ensure mastery in the various areas of our own lives.  And as we gain mastery, we move toward creating the Fifth Dimension on Earth.

El Morya concludes his transmission on the Law of Attraction :

The Most Radiant One

"The Most Radiant One had only the vibrations of compassion and forgiveness within his essence.  That is why he was selected fo fulfill that role.  His vibrational frequency was measured to be the highest on Earth.  For the painful event that had to be fulfilled (that of transmuting the sins of the world), an extremely high vibration was needed, because humanity´s consciousness was so dark and low.  Therefore, a Being had to come forth that equalled the vibrational frequency at the opposite end of the spectrum.  The strength of his Light was necessary to consume and transform the negativity of humanity.

If he had not been vibrating so highly, then an event of lesser consequences and impact would have occurred.  It was because of his intense, radiant Light that the law could be fulfilled, but it took extreme circumstances to fulfill prophecy.  This explanation also reflects the application of the Law of Rhythm, a law that shall be explained in a later article and therefore I shall say nothing more about it at this time.

Understanding the ALL

To the reader of these words, can you not see how the application of each law build one upon another?  It is necessary to understand the ALL before you can fulfill that which you have come to Earth to do.  (There are 10 of these Universal Laws that we should be aware of).

Learn the meaning and significance of all the laws, apply them to your life, and see how you truly are the co-creator with the Divine.  Heaven is waiting to be brought to Earth once again.  The Heavenly force awaits to assist you in this endeavour.

The Inner Voice

Hold your thoughts on God and on the Light, and Ye shall see the wonderment of your inner life as it begins to spring forth the fruits of your essence.

Beloved Ones, hear the inner voice within that speaks of your divinity.  Do not be afraid to connect with this higher frequency.  Visualize the Light in your daily meditations and prayers, and Ye eventually shall draw to you all that is of the highest.

God speed you on your journeys.  I AM El Morya.  Adonai."

Brief Summary

The Law of Attraction extends the Law of Vibration in that we create or attract the things, events and people that come into our lives.  Our thoughts, feelings, words and actions produce energies, and these energies attract like energies.

Our task is to monitor and to see that our thoughts, feelings, words and actions are positive.  This is often difficult for us to accomplish in a material world of thought-forms of violence, sex and greed.  While we cannot be protected from seemingly negative events, we can learn not to dwell on them and thus attract similar events into our lives.

This article is from "The Light Shall Set You Free".

Tuesday, 21 May 2013


The Law of Attraction helps us understand how we consciously and unconsciously choose the events in our lives.  Know that energies, positive or negative, attract like energies.

Master and Teacher El Morya continues his transmission :

Negative Thoughtforms

"I began this transmission by stating that this law is frustrating to many.  This is because individuals do not understand that what is delivered to the sender is what is built from within.  It is inescapable.  In a world bombarded with negative thoughtforms emanating from sources such as television, discordant societal groups, troublesome group initiatives, war zones, ghettoes, painful and distressful situations, and radios, it becomes difficult to separate personal thoughts and images from that which is not of one´s own essence.

People must watch what is being fed into their minds!!  To master this law, great discernment and discipline are needed.  Parents need to guide their children better, and individuals must begin to select more carefully that which is allowed into their auric fields.

Using Discernment

In the days of the ancients not many influences bombarded the mind.  Today it is different.  As Earth approaches the Fifth Dimension, there is an exponential increase in stimuli, and one must use great discernment in protecting the most precious `commodity´ humans have -- the mind!  This must be done before mastery can be attained.  Practice and a desire to control one´s own thoughts and emotions are what dictate one´s vibrational frequency.

Controlling vibrations is the key to mastering the Law of Attraction!  If only individuals could learn to reside on a higher frequency closer to Light, then all could control the events and souls that come into their lives.

One Exception

There is, however, one exception to this law that must be explained.

Contracts souls make between lifetimes can appear to negate the effects of this law.  An example would be when the Most Radiant One came to Earth over 2,000 years ago and fulfilled his contract for the celestial plan.  The amount of anger and hatred projected on him in the final hours was not an extension of the anger and hatred radiating from within his essence.  Instead, it was delivered unto his soul because lying within his auric field was the program that was destined to transmute the world.

His Higher Self came into this world with the plan that when the time was right, this program would activate, and, in so doing, would transmute the `void´ that needed to be filled.  This drew the events to him to fulfil his destiny, yet, at the same time, raised his vibrational frequency to the point of ascension.


Great Ones who come to Earth to fulfill missions for God enter the Earth atmosphere with the blueprint for transmuting designated energies for the world.  These blueprints contain information and instructions on how to transmute knowledge, thoughts, emotions and events.  When the blueprints are activated, the Universe responds to the frequencies programmed within and calls the images, people and events to the scene for the dramas to be played out."

Part Three Follows....

This article is from "The Light Shall Set You Free".


 Our inner thoughts and emotions determine the level at which we vibrate.  The level of our vibrations attracts things and people operating at the same level.  So, what is hidden within will dictate what will appear on the outside.

The brilliant teacher and Master, El Morya, instructs us on this Law of Attraction :

"It is with pleasure that I return to deliver another message regarding Universal Laws.  For this communication I shall focus on the Law of Attraction.  This is the law that serves to frustrate many souls on the spiritual path, for it mirrors to them what is hidden within."

Power of the Mind

"The Law of Attraction demonstrates the power of the mind, heart and will, to project what is within, and the universe´s ability to respond to this energy.  It is likened to a comic magnet that draws to the person everything he or she focuses on or projects into the etheric.

The Inner Frequency

In an earlier transmission it was established that manifestations are a result of multi-dimensional forces impacting the conscious and subconscious mind.  Because this is so, it is essential that all persons watch carefully their thoughts, words, emotions and actions, to assure that hidden, negative images, surrounded with emotions, are not stored within.  This is emphasized because this is key to understanding the Law of Attraction.

Inner thoughts and emotions determine the level at which one vibrates.  This is truth.  One´s vibrational rate is a frequency.  This inner frequency creates a signal that is emitted outward.  Once emitted, this signal begins to draw to it other things that reside on that same frequency.  What is hidden within will dictate what will appear on the outside.

Personal Growth

What the Law of Attraction also draws to the soul are one´s Tests of Initiations, for the Higher Self understands every weakness within that creates a `void´ or character flaw that must be `polished´ .  The Higher Self is programmed to fill each void (frequency) that has not been learned or mastered with experiences needed to assure personal growth.

The beauty of this law is that once lessons are learned, and the individual´s vibrational rate rises higher, the tests never come again.  They do not, because the soul rises above the vibrational level of those tests.  The soul, now residing on a higher level, will receive only experiences that vibrate on this new level.  The miracle is that the higher one goes, the better and better life becomes.


Demonstrating Control

The Law of Attraction controls the rate and sequence of events that impact a person´s life.  Quickness of mind and control over the emotional body are the key elements that dictate the rate at which events occur.  Once individuals master control over their mental and emotional bodies, they then experience only that which has been carefully programmed into their conscious and subconscious minds.  It is at this point that they demonstrate more contorl over what happens in their lives.

But if a person has not mastred the mental and emotional bodies, and often performs erratically and negatively, the the law returns to that person events and people that reside on the same level of discordance.  These individuals feel as if they are constantly swatting flies, often wondering if they ever will get rid of them.  This is the state that makes many people feel helpless and victimized.  Often inidividuals believe they are like ships being tossed about on stormy waters."

Part Two Follows....

This article is from "The Light Shall Set You Free".

Monday, 20 May 2013


Always remember that if you  help others, you will be helped, perhaps tomorrow, perhaps in a thousand years, but you will be helped.  Nature must pay off the debt.  It is a mathematical law and all life is mathematics.

The Master Morya continues his transmission on this Law :

Promises and Contracts

"Another factor that enters into just compensation is the fulfillment of promises and contracts made between lifetimes.  Each soul who comes to Earth is on a mission from God, whether it realizes it or not.  Contracts are made in the etheric and reviewed periodically n the dream states, assessing the standards and measures of performance for the individual in embodiment.  When promises are kept, the soul is rewarded tenfold.  This is the mark of those who possess the `Midas Touch´.

When the word is not honoured, a lower vibrational frequency is initiated which sets the individual up for what are termed `disappointments´ and `frustrations´, which are not readily understood on the Earth plane.  When one assesses the complexity of all the dimensional realities and vibrational frequencies that impact the soul, one quickly sees that alignment with the Light of the Higher Self is the only way out of bondage.  All must be in the highest vibration and truth to control one´s destiny.  Connection to the Higher Self and to God´s will grants peace, harmony and a fulfilled life.

Integrity Is The Key

Free Will is God´s gift to Humanity.  This allows all individuals to choose their own rewards in life, based upon the application of integrity.  Integrity is the key which grants the soul on the spiritual path greater gifts and rewards, including both spiritual and material offerings.

When a soul feels helpless to change life events, invoking the Law of the Perpetual Transmutation of Radiant Energy (in cooperation with the Higher Self) is the way to remedy the situation.  Apply this law and wait for the returns.  Applying this law creates Divine Order, and the compensation that comes surpasses all understanding.

Love Yourself

Speaking of compensation, there is another important aspect of this law which includes payment to oneself.  Too often individuals give to others and do not give to themselves.  This depicts a lack of self-love and creates an imbalance in the energy fields that support the natural flow of energy.

All must learn to love themselves FIRST, and from this state of mind, all else flows.  The more you love yourselves, the more love you have to give to others.  It is like a cup that is always full.  The cup that overflows is the cup of Divine Love that spills out into the Universe, touching the robes of all others.

By not treating oneself with the same kindness bestowed upon others, a cycle for deprivation is established.  Positive thoughts, attitudes, words and actions are needed at all times to keep the energy flowing.  Blockages create inequities, although from the universal perspective, inequities are only perceived and are not reality.  Nevertheless, all must be kept in alignment with harmony and love, and this includes the love of self, which is contained within.

The Wrong Motive

Overcompensation to others is another stumbling block to the smooth operations of this law.  The human psyche is clever and can deceive one to believe that if one gives more to another, then that soul is deemed more worthy and loving.  Therefore, giving must be a good and honourable thing in that it justifies one´s own self-worth.

As was stated earlier, giving and giving freely IS an honourable thing and THE action which grants freedom.  But if giving is done with the wrong motive, such as giving to make up for the lack of love within, then the energies once again are blocked.  All must give equally to themselves and to others to keep the energy balanced.


Yes, BALANCE!!  This is the only path to follow when achieving mastery.  If balance is maintained at all times and the truth and integrity are adhered to, then the Law of Compensation shall be realized.

In honour of the God within, I, El Morya, do complete this transmission for the Divine.  Go in Peace."

This article is from "The Light Shall Set You Free".

Sunday, 19 May 2013


This Law helps us to understand abundance.  It deals with the material and spiritual gains we receive in life.

Firstly, understand that we need to overcome the programming of the past that was fed by statements such as :

a)   Money is the root of all evil.
b)   The rich cannot be spiritual.
c)   To be spiritual means that we must renounce money and things in life that give us pleasure and comfort.

The Master El Morya describes the Law of Compensation in the following transmission :

"Greetings, Oh Sisters and Brothers from the Stars.  I come forth to deliver this next piece of information which is pertinent for understanding the full context of the Universal Laws.  It is with great pleasure that I deliver the following instruction to you, the recipients of the Divine knowledge of the Universe.  I come as your servant and elder brother, as I provide you the secrets for increasing your wealth."

A Basic Foundation

"Allow me to begin by asking you the question,  `In what way may I serve you?´  I begin in this way, for doing so provides an example of what comprises the basic foundation for the application of the Law of Compensation.

The Law of Compensation is an extension of the Law of Cause and Effect, in that it reflects the `just rewards´  or  `punishments´ individuals receive for the seeds they have sown.  It is an exact law, with its own deviations, that works to provide to the individual greater things than ever imagined.  This occurs when the soul aligns with the Higher Self in service to others.

Giving and Receiving

The Law of Compensation is about giving and receiving.  It is the law that guarantees that each will be provided for by God.  It is the manifestation of Divine Order in all things and that which grants freedom to the minds that work to dissolve the attitudes of poverty consciousness and insatiable needs.

The law is flawless in its design.  Basically, it says that for everything given there shall be a return.  But there is a twist to this law that not everyone realizes.  This twist is called the Law of Tenfold Return.  What this law reveals is that once a person learns to give freely from the heart, the Universe returns the gift with a tenfold yield.  This supports the premise that `It is better to give than to receive.´

Tenfold Return

I give this knowledge freely from my heart, Dear Ones.  Furthermore, I freely ask, `What more can I give in this moment of time?´  In so doing, because my attitude, motive and heart are all aligned with truth, I reveal to you now that I shall be rewarded tenfold for this offering.

For most, the Law of Tenfold Return goes into effect primarily when the individual learns to release fears that sends the message that  `there is not enough. ´  Another condition that facilitates enactment of this law is when the auric fields of the Initiate are attuned to the higher vibrations of Light.  Attaining a higher frequency in the Light automatically raises the body, mind and Spirit ito a higher dimension of mind, which releases the old programming that keeps one in bondage.

Multidimensional Thinking

One cannot separate the laws and their influences on individuals in a Universe of Oneness.  Therefore, it must be reinforced that compensation is also the reflection of a person´s multidimensional thinking.  The Most Radiant One stated this when He declared, `As a man thinketh, so shall he become.´

This command assures that what is reaped is the just consequences of all that is sown.  The Law of Compensation assures that everything is fair and all is in alignment with the Divine, for the laws are not biased.  Each soul is treated impartially and indifferently by the laws.  Each soul is its own judge while on the Earth plane, for free will dictates the gifts that will be given to each."

Part Two follows....

This article is from "The Light Shall Set You Free".

Wednesday, 1 May 2013


The Law of Cause and Effect may apply to long-term or short-term outcomes.  Karma is an example of the manifestation of this law.  Karma that used to take lifetimes to come around now can appear within minutes following a projected thought or spoken word.

The Master Morya now concludes his instruction on this law :


"Another important concept of the Law of Cause and Effect is Karma, mentioned earlier.  The popular descriptor this phenomenon is "What you sow is what you reap."  All that is experienced has had its roots grounded not only lifetimes ago, but also in this collective moment of time.  This is truth.

When unpleasant events become a part of one´s life, it is helpful to know that these events have come for one of two reasons :

1.   Either there is unfinfished business that mus be resolved before the soul is allowed to move to a higher plane of existence, or

2.   There are lessons that must be learned to achieve a higher state of existence and enlightenment.

There are no other reasons for karmic debts experienced within the Law of Cause and Effect.  All is designed for humans to evolve to higher states of consciousness.

Harmonic Convergence

Since the Harmonic Convergence in 1987, all Children of the Light have been freed of karmic debts, yet few have known this to be true.  At that time, the dispensation was given that allowed all to begin their Tests of Initiation, thus freeing themselves to journey on their paths to mastery.  This is not to say that Karma (both good and bad) has not been accrued, for all are still responsible for the individual daily actions that direct life.

This is only stated to reveal that the events in one´s life no longer are tied to the wheel of the past, but now are connected to higher planes of existence that free the soul to achieve higher states of enlightenment and power.

Nothing Escapes The Law

Nothing escapes the law.  All is in Divine Order.  There is no such thing as chance occurrence or coincidence.  To say that coincidence exists is to say that the events so designated could exist outside of Universal Mind and order.  This cannot be.  All is Universal Mind and all is in order.  All is law.

Conquer The Mind

Therefore, what this means for the Initiate on the path is that one must begin to conquer the mind and the emotions.  One must acquire self-love, enabling Light to flow continuously from the Source through consciousness and back to the Source.  All must be continuous and experienced in a circular fashion.  When this is accomplished, the individual assumes a position of using the higher planes of existence over the lower planes of existence, and creates the utopia that is longed for within.  Thus, freedom is experienced and bondage is gone.

I trust that his adequately explains the Law of Cause and Effect.  Go in peace, harmony and balance.  I AM El Morya."

This article is from "The Light Shall Set You Free".